Saturday, January 3, 2009

~~~Welcome to Pink Saturday Ladies ~~~

Good morning ladies. Welcome to Pink Saturday, hosted by Beverly over at You'll find a full list of participants and all their wonderful world of pink. I'm quite fond of old suitcases and have many. They are used in many different ways around my home. Today, I've filled them with Pink. A little bit of this and a little bit of that pink.

This is the time of year I do a lot of organizing and re-organizing. I then rediscover treasures I've had hidden for awhile. These great doilies and hankies are just a few of those great treasures.

The hankie was a gift from my Grandmother as a child for Christmas. Each year each of us girls would receive a hankie and a brand new pen and pencil set. Those are some of my fondest childhood memories.

The pink flowers are just as delicate as my Grandma was.

Don't you love the bunny with the pink cheeks peaking over the edge? The doily was a find at a flea market many years ago.

I love anything done by hand. Especially needlepoint. When I saw this pillow it just had to come home with me. I've had it for many years, and honestly can't remember where I picked it up.

I hope you enjoyed this weeks suitcase of treasures full of Pink. Don't forget to go by Beverly's for a full list of participants.. I'm off myself to see all the wonderful world of Pink. See you there.

hugs ~lynne~


Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Dear Lynne loved the suitcase full of PINK are so good the way you do pictures with your the little bunny..and that sweet pillow..Happy first of the year PINK Saturday to you dear friend...hugs and smiles Gloria

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Love the suitcase idea...and full of pink treasures!

I have some hankies that I got from my grandmother too...

Unknown said...

Your pink stuff is so pretty! And your new look for your blog too! Wow you have been busy!

It all looks beautiful Lynne!


Four Paws and Co said...

Hi Lynne! Great PINK post! I loved the hankie & the bunny. Too sweet! ♥ Diane

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Lynne.

I love all of your pink treasures. How wonderful that you have these special things and memories from your grandmother.

kymber said...

Hi Lynne,
I always love to see all of your beautiful things. Love your handkerchief. Such beautiful detail! What a wonderful treasure from your grandmother.

Thanks also for stopping by to visit me at my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. Your cocker spaniel sounds so cute!

Blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

What a treasured Grandmother was known for her beautiful hankies neatly tucked up her sleeve or hidden in her shhhh...bra!
When she passed away I incorporated them in all of the family flower was so uniquely HER~

Kat said...

What a sweet idea. Love the suitcase full of treasures. The hankie is just gorgeous, the detail work is so delicate and beautiful. Thanks for the comment on the new blog dress, now I just have to figure out how to dress up the header lol. Hugs, Kathy

Anonymous said...

What a great idea the suitcases are. I have a Christmas hanky on my blog that I got my first Christmas. I added another blog.

onlymehere said...

What fun treasures. I love the memory of the hankies. I remember sitting in church and my aunt making me hanky babies! Remember those where you had twins in a hammock! Thanks for bringing that memory back to me! Cindy

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Lynne, you are just so clever. All your pink pretties look so great in the suitcase. How wonderful that you still have the hanky your grandmother gave you. laurie

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I would just love an old suitcase. I know they are so popular. Yours looks so pretty with your bunny and pillow. Very cute!

Sondra Behne' said...

Hello all you pink as you have enought to enter our contest...just give it a try....

Rue said...

Beautiful treasures Lynne!!

Happy Anniversary to you and your husband :)

Happy New Year to you too my sweet friend!!


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Pretty little treasures and a great memory of your Grandmother. Have a great day.

Rattlebridge Farm said...

Your suitcase is magical. The rabbit is so sweet. I didn't see any mice. lol

Salmagundi said...

Hankerchiefs are a part of my childhood, also. One of my grandmothers, who lived in another state, would enclose a hankerchief in a card on minor holidays like Valentine's Day, etc. Sweet memories. Sally

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

The hankies are just so sweet...I love old hankies...your suitcase filled with treasures is adorable...
Happy New Year...
Mo :-)

Glenda said...

My recollection of handkerchiefs goes back to my maternal Grandmother also. I could save enough allowance each year to be able to buy her a box of three for Christmas, and know that she would really love and use them.
A suitcase of pink treasures for certain. Thanks for the memories.

Tomarie said...

I'm drooling all over my computer! What wonderful and precious things Lynne! L~

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Glenda, thanks for swinging in. I'm glad I could help with the memories..hugs ~lynne~

Kathleen said...

I love your Mom used to make sure I had a hankie when I went anywhere as a child. The bunny is adorable. Happy Pink Saturday!

The Muse said...

putting a bunny in the mix, just makes everything have such a soft and gentle it their innocence? i always think of peter cottontail stories :) and my nanny...who was oh so sweet and kind...

thanks lynne for a post to linger upon :)

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

What a beautiful suitcase of pinkness! I especially love that bunny!

Happy Pink Saturday!

Big TX Hugs,
Angelic Accents

Lynette said...

What a sweet post - "love" your little pillow!
Happy Weekend ~

Anonymous said...

The hankie is so fragile and lovely What some wonderfiul memories.Congratulations on the award...Ann

SmilingSally said...

I like the display. Thanks for sharing. Happy Pink Day.

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Lynne, :)
I just now saw you had a new post. I usually try to rush over and be the first one here to comment. Oops.

I love your "Pink" suitcase idea. How unique! All your treasures are so pretty peeking out of it this way. Love the "LOVE" pillow. It is so sweet and precious next to the bunny. He looks like he's resting so comfortably.

Hope your weekend is going really well.
~Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

Oh, so pretty. Especially the candlelight! I was mesmerized by the cute little doggie smilin' at me! Happy Pink Saturday. Hugs, Patti

Anonymous said...

Loved your suitcase full of pink treasures and the memories of your grand mother. :) Happy Pink Saturday.

Deborah aka Miss Bee said...

Hello Lynne,

I love the hanky. I have one that my grandmother gave me for my wedding.

I looked for your anniversary post - it is lovely. You got off to a chilly start, didn't you?
Congratulations on your 30 years together!


Picket said...

Oh the hankies!!! What a sweet collection of treasures! Thanks for coming by girl...Hope you are having a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi Lynne,
I think often things mean more to us when we don't have them out all the time!

Using the old suitcases is a wonderful idea!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Oh Lynne...The hankies are a treasure, aren't they? I remember receiving them as a little girl. They seemed like big girl gifts...meaning I was becoming a "lady." My dad always carried a hankie. A gentleman should still keep one in his case a lady starts to cry! lol Love the pinkness. Happy Saturday!...Debbie

Dena said...

Hi Lynne,

I love that little suitcase and the hankie from your grandmother is just precious! The candle makes it so romantic :)


Tootsie said...

As I was doing a little changing in my sister showed up...and by the time she left, her 1/2 ton was loaded as if she was moving out! She hit the mother load in my house today...just that perfect moment when big sister was on a cleaning rampage and getting rid of things that were "so not garbage!"
she even took 1/2 my closet...the 1/2 that no longer is small enough for my shrinking self!
I hope you have a great year and many many posts to inspire my creative side!

Kathysue said...

Lynne,I am a lover of bunnies and pink so this suitcase of sweetness touched my heart.I love it Kathysue

xinex said...

The hankies are so dainty and pretty, so appropriate for a dainty little you. Love the bunnies and the suitcase idea....Christine

Ellen said...

I have a special place in my heart for hankies, and when they are from a loved one...even more. :)Ellen

Dixie said...

love your pink Saturday post.. you can just shut the suitcase and take off with all those sweet little pink things of home.

Drop by French Lique if you havne't had a chance. I did my very first Pink Saturday celebration... take care... Happy New Year! Dixie

Jessica said...


There is nothing better that a suitcase filled with PINK! I love your Grandmothers hankies and that adorable needlepoint pillow.

Have a great day!

Hugs~ J


Lynne ~ I love the creative way you have used a suitcase as the base of a beautiful vignette!

Barbara Jean said...

I'm never disappointed when i drop by.
The suitcase idea is wonderful!!
Do you mind if i use it in the store.??
Ever done a giveaway?
Want to do one for my little list of blog friends, but no clue where to sart.
Thanks friend.
See you soon.
Barbara Jean

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

What a beautiful vignette you have created...I love it! I have several old suitcases but I'm boring & just use them for storage or tables...thanks for inspiring me!

Anonymous said...

You did a wonderful job with the suitcase and your beautiful things. I collect vintage linens and hankies and yours are just beautiful. Happy belated Pink Saturday..have a lovely week.

lvroftiques said...

Darling pinks my friend! The bunny in a suitcase is adorable! And the hankie from your grammy....just beautiful! Vanna

Shirl said...

Hello thank you so much for stopping by! Cute post, what a grat idea with the suitcase!
Happy New Year, Shirl
Shirls Rose Cottage