Thursday, September 22, 2011

~ Squirrel in the Kitchen? ~

Hi everyone, hope you're having a fabulous day. Before we get started I want to ask a favor of you. I was just over visiting Gloria at Happy to Be.  Gloria hasn't been well for a while and has had many tests run, last night she unexpectedly had to have triple by-pass surgery. I would appreciate you going over to her blog and send your well wishes and prayers. For those of you who don't know her, you'll be glad you went over, Gloria is a wonderful fun loving gal, so giving and caring. I know when she's up to reading them it will put a big smile on her face. Thank all of you so much.

I finally started doing a bit of fall decorating this past week, I don't plan on going over board this year. I plan to keep it simple and a bit more refined. I've gone through my stash of goodies and pulled a few of my favorites, going to try and stick to this plan of action. :-)) I've noticed across blog land squirrels are a hot decorating commodity this year. I love the sweet little tale and the mischievous look in their eyes.

The tray full of nuts and acorns I've had for many years, usually put them in a dough bowl, thought I would use the leaf shaped tray this year. The leaf shaped tray was purchased from the Dollar General Store many years ago.

Not to feel left out I added a pumpkin underneath one of my favorite cloche domes.

No, it's not your computer, your eyes are okay too, I was just having a bit of fun with the camera, love the way it appeared like he was trying to come through the glass.

I hope you're enjoying the fall weather and your fall decorating. Again, thanks so much for heading over to Gloria's and leaving her well wishes.