Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A Good Day Around Our Home and Outdoor Wednesday

Welcome to another Outdoor Wednesday. Hosted by Susan at http://asoutherndaydreamer.blogspot.com. Be sure to swing by for a full list of participants and some wonderful outdoor spaces.
Each day around our home always brings new and different surprises. So, when Mr. P feels good he likes to be out on his toys. Yes, you all know what I'm talking about. Men and their toys. lol It always makes my heart sing when he's having a good day. They come so rarely anymore. Most days he spends sleeping.. so out we went for him to get in some play time. After all the rains we've had the driveway was in desperate need of being graded. We hooked up the blade scrapper and off he went.

So down the drive he starts. You can see a little better picture of the blade scrapper here.

I"m not quite sure why he stopped to look at the top of the barn, but he was sure intent on studying it. He sat there for the longest time. Must have been something that grabbed his attention.

. Looking back to see if things are coming out like he wants them too

Again with the stopping. Ummmm I wonder what has his attention? I never did figure it out.

Watch out here he comes.

Okay, we've decided to head up the lane this trip.

Stirring up lots of dust. Amazing how dry it is after all the rains we've had. Even Murphy has had enough and is coming back down where I'm sitting. lol

After playing on Little John for a while, he decided to get the Grasshopper out and do a bit of mowing.

Concentrating on doing a good job for me. There he goes that direction.

Now, lets go the other direction for awhile..

Even the birds are keeping a close eye on him. :-))
I think he might prefer the size and air conditioning of Little John. The mowing didn't last too long. lol

I'm so glad you popped in for a visit today. Don't forget to swing by Susan's for a full of list of participants. Thanks a million Susan for hosting such a wonderful event. I'll see you there... hugs ~lynne~

Sunday Visitors and a Giveaway!!

Another month is on our doorstep. This summer has certainly flown by. I'm finding it hard to believe this is already August. The month of July found us in cooler and wetter conditions than we've ever had. Today, promises to be more Summer like.
Bright and early Sunday morning I headed out for a cup of coffee on the front porch and was greeted by these lovely visitors. We've now lived here almost 13 years and I'm still amazed at how beautiful Mother Nature and Her animals are. When we first moved here we had 14 turkeys on a daily basis. A few wild animals (coyotes) and a dog or two has kept them at bay. So, I was delighted to be greeted by these beauties.

Notice the one to the right of the screen? He is the watch dog so to speak. He keeps an eye out for any predators that might decide to join them.

I think they might have spotted me. They've all come to attention.

Still watching me as I watch them.. lol
I wish the pictures had been a bit clearer for you . I was standing on the front porch zooming in, I feel fortunate to have these. Hopefully, they'll come for another visit and I can get some close up shots. Until then.... hugs ~lynne~

Be sure to swing by Melissa's Heart and Home . She's having a fabulous give away you won't want to miss out on.. She is one of the sweetest gals. So... be sure to swing by and let her know you read it here...and enter...

(A bit of an update..this morning in the pouring down rain- the six visitors returned to feast on the fresh baled hay..what a beautiful sight. )