Friday, January 23, 2009

~~ Pink Saturday and a Cup of Tea ~~

It's Saturday and that means another day of beautiful pink. Hosted by Beverly at While there you'll see a full list of participants and find a wonderful Pink filled day ahead of you. Time to go shopping around the house to find some pink. A while back I started collecting miniature tea sets. I know you're asking yourself, how many collections can one girl have? Well.. there are quite a few around here. They almost become obsessions.. lol. This week I've chosen this darling black with pink cabbage roses to show you.
Isn't it just the sweetest little thing you've laid eyes on?

Wouldn't it be great if the gold on the handles were real? It isn't, but I love the bling against the black. A girl can always dream can't she? :-))

A dream of being in a museum setting...

Don't forget to swing by for a full list of Pink participants. Thank you Beverly for hosting another fun filled Pink Saturday. Now.. I'm off to see more pink, I'll see you there.... hugs ~lynne~


Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

I love miniture tea sets. How big is your home?? I would never have enough room for all of your beautiful collections.
Hugs, Terrie

Kristens Creations said...

Hi Lynne, that is a BEAUTIFUL miniature tea set! I love the colors! Kristen

xinex said...

That is such a pretty tea set, Lynne. I love the colors. You sure have so many lovely creations. Thank you so much for your support on my blog. It really means a lot to me....Christine

Belinda said... pretty, Lynne! I love it, and I really love the black background with the fluffy pink roses! It has a sweet, yet sophisticated look. :-)

Anonymous said...

This is precious, Lynne! I love it!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Lynne another Things form your wonderful home..I just love this little tea set.. thanks for sharing and a girl can't have too much ya sis hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Your set is precious. I love, love the colors! Where do you display all your mini sets??

Sweetie said...

Your miniature tea set is lovely. I really like the way that you have it displayed. You certainly have a treasure.

Melissa Miller said...

~It's PRECIOUS Lynne! :)

The Pink flowers really pop against the Black.

Blondie's Journal said...

Lynne...this is a beautiful miniature tea set (I have never seen one in person and I bet they are just treasures).

I really like the black. Never thought it could look so pretty in a tea set but it is!

Have a great weekend!! :-)


Four Paws and Co said...

Lynne, this is gorgeous! I love the cabbage roses on the black. Good one! ♥

Melissa Miller said...

Hello, I just realized I had your name wrong on my e-mail...Please forgive me.
I have it straight now. :)

The Raggedy Girl said...

I have no idea how many collections one person can have. I was thinking today that if I just kept posting photos of my stuff I would most likely die before I ran out of stuff. Sometimes a collection just sneaks up on you when you weren't even planning on having a collection. I have a collection of rocks, for heaven's sake. Rocks!!!
Roberta Anne

Dixie said...

love the mini tea set... I'll stop by for a cup in the afternoon...

happy pink saturday. Dixie

Anonymous said...

Very elegant! Happy PS!


Anonymous said...

Your mini tea set is just precious on your vintage books! Very sweet!

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Lynne...This is just the cutest thing! I'll bet some little bunnies wearing hats will come to tea!! Havve a great weekend...Debbie

Glenda/MidSouth said...

What a pretty little tea set. I saw some miniature teapots today that were so pretty, But I kept saying "you have no more room".
Have a great weekend.

Gone said...

How lovely...Happy PINKness day!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Lynne, I love your miniature tea set. I love perfection in miniatures, and this is certainly perfection in every detail. laurie

onlymehere said...

I love the color and the design on this miniature set!

Kat said...

What a beautiful little tea set. I love the drama of the pink against the black, so unusual and very striking. Kathy

ksarra said...

This is beautiful, Lynne. I love roses on china, but the roses on the black background are even prettier!

Jewel Sauls said...

I love your miniature tea set especially the "museum" setting!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, and I love the setting.

Vintage To Chic said...

good Morning Lynn, love the tea set. thanks for the prayers, God is so good to us, Hope you have a wonderful week,

Tomarie said...

Hi Lynne,
Just got to Blogland after a busy week! I LOVE your tea set! I especially love the richness of the colors...a true gem!!
Hope everything it going well at the shop! Love ya girl! :-) L~

Anonymous said...

Dear Lynne
Love your tea set. Very elegant and charming.
Those Photo's of the ice rain are spectacular.
Love Claudie

The Quintessential Magpie said...

How precious! Aren't miniatures just the best??? Love them!

Happy Pink Saturday...


Sheila :-)

Glenda said...

I bet Miss Janice would have a lot of fun setting up a tea party with this set. I can visualize it in my mind and it is beautiful.
I have never been to a proper tea, so I would look forward to the one you and Miss Janice could put together.

Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Lynne, It's so nice to meet you through blogging. I love your tea set! The colors are gorgeous!
Yes, by all means pick up tha quote on my blog! Thanks for stopping by there the other day, and please come back! Blessings, nancy

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Tomarie, Laura how sweet of you to come for a visit. I know you're looking forward to a couple of days to yourself. The shop is ever changing girl.. and busy..:-) hugs ~lynne~

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Glenda, I too thought of Miss Janice right away. It would be a lot of fun to set up a tea party with her. I'll let you know if and when that ever happens..have a great w/k my friend. hugs ~lynne~

Kris said...

Lynne, The teaset is lovely. I love the colors. Very sweet.

Happy PS


Anonymous said...

So pretty! Happy Pink Saturday!
Erin :)

My name is Riet said...

That is a beautiful little teaset. I love it. Happy pink Saturday

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynn! I just wanted to send you a quick comment. I've been out of town since yesterday after I posted the giveaway. When I get a min I will add your blog to my blog roll and take a look around your blog, but right now I'm about to walk back out the door again. Have a great weekend. :-)

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Lynne...Thanks so much for the visit! Several people asked about the Bush china, so I added it to my post, if you want to see it. It's gorgeous! Still lovin' your tiny tea set!! Hugs...Debbie

The Muse said...

Oh i love the idea of your miniature collection..and although quite small it is easy too see the powerful PUNCH (bling) lol, that it brings to your heart! :)

Salmagundi said...

That is so charming sitting on those books. Have a great weekend. Sally

Unknown said...

I love the miniature tea sets! Yours has some beautiful colors!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful miniature tea set, Lynne!

I love how you photographed it.

Happy Pink Saturday!

Valerie said...

I like mini items also.
Great photos.
Happy pink saturday.

Anonymous said...

Yes, a girl can and should dream. I love your dream. It is so pretty.

Happy Pink Saturday, Lynne.

Anonymous said...

Great post. I like miniatures, too.
Happy pink saturday!!

Picket said...

Hey Lynne..that is the cutest thing...I love little miniatures & that one is unique with the black mixed with the delicate roses! Hope you are having a great weekend my friend!


Very lovely tea set!

{oc cottage} said...



{oc cottage} said...



Jessica said...


This is the sweetest tea set I've ever seen~ beautiful pink post!

Thank you for your kind words on my Pop's post. It was kind of a hard day.

Hugs to you~ J

Anonymous said...

What a lovely teaset.Please come by my place and pick up another well deserved Award...ann

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

Lynn, You have a lovely tea set. I know how addicting it could be for things you love. I myself have to be very careful. Take Care.

Bo said...

Hi Lynne...I loved the way you photographed this gorgeous mini-teaset...It is so delicate & feminine looking. ;-) Bo

Anonymous said...

oh my...I do love pink and black together. It's fun and elegant. Happy belated Pink Saturday. ~ L

ksarra said...

Hi Lynne, just wanted to wish you a peace-filled Sunday. Your visits always brighten my day, thanks for taking the time. Your kind, thoughful words are always appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Oh My!! Such a beautiful little tea set. ooo, I want one like it.
Happy belated Pink Saturday and have a lovely week filled with pinks. :)

Garden Antqs Vintage said...

I love tea pots and have collected them for years. They are only one small portion of the many things I collect. Thanks for stopping by and hope you are having a great Sunday, Theresa

time worn interiors said...

Thanks for the kind words on my blog, I appreciate it.

Lady Katherine said...

I am in love again! lol With the tea set that is.

Kathy said...

Oh Lynne the tea has to taste delicious in this perfect little set, it's so pretty. hugs, Kathy.

~CC Catherine said...

Lynne, Ahhhhh......Ahhhhhh.....This is precious! I adore the colors, and the black background with it sitting on the books does make one think she's in a museum. I love it! =) ~CC Catherine

Anonymous said...


I LOVE how you have that little tea set arranged on those books! It makes me look at those (tea sets) in a whole new light! Infact, I have a little one that has carrots on it (for Spring/Easter) buried deep in a box in the basement--I will for sure use that this year!!

Hope you're having a great week. Dana