Friday, January 1, 2010

Dreaming of Days Past And Those To Come

Happy New Year Everyone!! I hope this New Year brings you all peace, health and happiness!

Ours has started off with another roller coaster ride. Many of you know Mr. P has many health issues, we're asking for all of your prayers as this new year begins.. Thank you in advance from the bottom of our hearts.

On a cold and cloudy afternoon, with this view greeting me as I look out the back door, I stand there mesmerized and day dream of days past and those to come.
Which brings us to the post of the day. :-)) Saturdays are hosted by Beverly each week. You'll find a whole bevy of fine blogger's showing off their pink. Be sure to treat yourselves by swinging over to check out those participating.
My thoughts are full of lush green lawns. Phlox's blooming and bees buzzing, a slight breeze and cold glass of lemonade
Back to reality! Instead I'm drinking a cup of hot coffee and admiring Mother Nature and the magic she spun while we slept. A bow waited down with snow that fell on Christmas Eve.
The snowman who's tummy is suppose to be full of birdseed is now full of snow.
One minute an airplane lawn ornament has just one wing covered in snow.
Within a short period of time, both wings are covered; he's been grounded until further notice.
A birdbath full of snow instead of water, finds the birds reduced to drinking out of the dog's water dish. :-)) Isn't it nice that Murphy shares with them? lol

The front yard hasn't been left out, the beauty of this snow fall is spectacular.
Before leaving for work this past week, I couldn't pass up the chance to take a picture of the old dinner bell.
With the weight of the snow on top, I'm sure if you could ring the bell (the string is covered in ice); the tone would be flat sounding. :-))
While waiting for the boss to get to work, I had plenty of time to take a few shots of the beautiful tree that sets west of the shop.
With heavy weighted branches, I'm wondering if it might be a hiding spot for an animal or two. :-))
The magic that comes from snow fall always amazes me. From railroad ties to a cascading water fall effect, can't get more magical than that. Thank you for swinging by today. We always enjoy your visits. Be sure to stop by Beverly's for a full list of those participating. Beverly, as always; thank you for graciously hosting this event each week.
hugs ~lynne~


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year, Dear Lynne! Oh, my prayers are with you and your husband! Blessings to you, Dear One!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

Your snow pictures are just FANTASTIC! They are worth framing. We have had some snow here in this part of Missouri but certainly not as much as you.

I look forward to all you share this next year.

Happy New Year to you!


jerseygirl211 said...

Dear Lynne,

More than any other wish for the New Year, I wish you peace. A peace that comes from less worry, over those things that have burdened you in the past. I wish good health for you and your husband and for all of those that you love. Those of us out here in blogland, have come to know what a special person you are, a true friend to the rest of us. MAY GOD WATH OVER YOU AND YOURS and bestow you with his blessings.


Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

What beautiful pictures...praying for you and Mr. P.....Blessings in 2010.

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

That is A LOT of snow! Loved your descriptions! Hope Mr. P is having a much better day, today! You and he are always in my prayers and thoughts! Love to you on this New Year!

Patsy said...

Your snow photo's are great, but look so cold. Hope you had a good and warm day.

KM Studios said...

Hi Lynne,
I am waiting for sprint too. But you sound as if you have found the beauty in all that snow.
It does make everything peacefull.
Chin up!!
We will all be sippin lemonade soon.

Dolores said...

Oh Lynne.... I hope Mr. P is doing better! This roller coaster ride of Alzheimer's...etc.... is awful, and we never know from minute to minute. Please know that you and Mr. P are in my thoughts and prayers.

Your snow pictures are absolutely breath taking .... each one looks like it should be a Christmas card!!

I can't imagine having trees and snow like you have....... and here we are in south Texas....


9405018--Pat said...

Hey Lynne, beautiful pictures......guess what it's snown here again.....Did you here the weather for Sat & Sunday 3 more inches...You and Mr P are in my prayers...take care...Hugs Pat

Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

Lynne -- lifting a prayer up for you and Mr. P. -- Wishing you blessings for this new year.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Hi Pat, I did hear the forecast.. looking out right now the moon is glowing on the glazed yard. It is something else to see. Thank you for prayers darling. They mean the world.. Happy New Year my friend..
hugs ~lynne~

Donna said...

My prayers are with you and your husband. I love your pics and the tablescape in the post below ... beautiful!
Blessings and Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year Lynne,
My thoughts are like your....I am dreaming of summer and flowers...anything warm and cozy. I love your pictures of the snow, snow is very pretty but....It is so cold. Have a great day!!Terry

onlymehere said...

That tree looks huge! Maybe it's just the angle you took it on but it looks big to me. Love the airplane outside too! I definitely will keep you and Mr. P in my prayers. :)

Regina said...

Happy Pink Saturday and A Wonderful New Year!
Beautiful photos!

Jessica said...

Beautiful pictures Lynne~just breathtaking.

Happy New Year to you & Mr. P.....always in my thoughts and prayers.

Hugs~ J

The Muse said...

Dearest Lynne~this morning you and your love have been lifted up in prayer by our family.

So many have been touched by you, here in blogland. Your tenderness of spirit follows you in each of your comments...and is always present in your posts.

So many care for you~and I hope you know that~and can feel it in your soul.

May peace, comfort and His blessings be your greatest gifts this New Year.

Please email whenever you feel led.
Love ,
The Muse

Pam said...

Your pictures of the snow are wonderful. Makes me cold just looking at them. Snow is something we rarely see here in the desert but did see some on the mountains on the way to Vagas this week.

Your Pink Saturday flowers are a reminder of Spring to come.

Happy Pink Saturday

dana said...

Lynne, Your photos are lovely. They look very similar to our area right now. We had the blizzard, too, on Christmas Eve....with snow two times since, and another round expected this afternoon. PLUS, it's REALLY cold, now.

I LOVED the tablescape you shared with us....just gorgeous.

Happy Pink Saturday and I wish you a good New Year! L, Dana

Unknown said...

Lovely! Just Lovely! My favorite is the one with the sled. I hope your husband is doing better.


Glenda/MidSouth said...

I will keep you and Mr. P in my prayers. Your photos are beautiful! They are predicting flurries tomorrow and I having a feeling the grocery stores are packed. People panic when the "S" word is mentioned around here. :)

Kat said...

Happy New Year Lynne. Will definitely keep Mr. P and your family in our prayers. I just know that both of you are bigger than the challenges you face, even if it may not feel like it at times! Loved you pictures of the snow. Funny, I love PICTURES of snow, but not the real thing lol. Hope you have a wonderful New Year full of blessings and delights. Hugs, Kathy

Cathy said...

Happy New Year Lynne,

Valentine's Day is right around the corner! Yup, it is.

Please join me in my very first "Amour Valentine Swap". It's going to be easy, peezy and so much fun.

Just drop on over to my blog for the details, then send me an email if you'd like to participate. The more the merrier.



Unknown said...

G'day Lynn ~ You captured the outdoors beautifully, they are awesome pics.

May 2010 be a beautiful, joyous & blessed New Year for you.
TTFN ~Marydon

Barbara Jean said...


I so enjoyed your snow pictures and your descriptions.

I am sorry about you husband, and now understand more of what you are going through as my Dad has gotten worse. Sometimes he is here, and some times not, and my Mom is sometimes at her wits end at times.
So sad to watch.

I pray God's peace and grace as you care for him.

Blessings friend.

barbara jean

Light and Voices said...

Happy New Year from our house to your house. Illinois has had some snow too. Lovely snow scenes.
Joyce, IL, USA

Beth at Aunties said...

Your pictures are lovely! Freshly fallen snow is so peaceful and dusts everything with a magical cleanliness. oh if it jsut stayed that way!
I also remember you and Mr P with your upward challenges of his illness. You alwasy seem to show such streghth and faith. yet I know how hard it must be.
May your gifts of this New Year be of added love, peace and comfort that only HE can provide. Thanks for All your goodness you share!

janet said...

Happy New Year Lynn, your pictures are absolutely beautiful. Many prayers to your husband and take care of you too my friend.
gentle hugs

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Lynne, My prayers are with you and your husband! And I hope you both receive many blessings in the New Year ahead! :)

Thanks for always having such an upbeat and uplifting perspective in your blog and comments. You are such a sweet lady and I enjoy your blog and appreciate your comments!

Love the snow pics! ~Hugs, Rhonda :)

bj said...

What a beautiful snow...your photos are fabulous. I LOVE WINTER and am not missing summer at all..:)

Vicki said...

Hello, Lynne,
Thank you for sharing that magical snowfall with us!! We are fairly cold here in Central Texas but no snow. I am wishing a year of joy and peace for you and your family. Thank you so much for stopping by Bunny Cottage for a visit. Come back again soon. Love to you! Vicki

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Oh Lynne,
These pics are so beautiful, looks a lot like our place right now! I am dreaming of Phlox too, but trying to enjoy the beauty of freshly fallen snow. I always love visiting your beautiful blog and I am so glad to have found you as a friend! Hoping and sending good wishes for your Hubby too. Hugs, Cindy

Ldy ~~ Dy said...

Hi nice of you to stop by! I just love your beautiful snowy pictures...they look so magical and dreamy. We don't get much snow here in Southern Calif. unless we head up into our local mountains. I would like to wish you a blessed New Year...and also send my prayers for your dear husband. I enjoyed viewing your anniversary photos! Lovely memories! Hugs!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Prayers for Mr P and you, Lynne!

We have a little snow left on the ground and the sun keeps trying to peek through. It's about 8 degrees at about 11:30 am. Wonder if we will have more snow today. Your photos are gorgeous!!

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Happy New Year my sweet friend!!I am so glad you came by,your photos are magical...we still have had no snow!! I love the one with the bench in it,would make a nice background photo......mmmmm! Anyway off to bake a cake and have a cuppa tea,talk to you soon! Only 2 more weeks till Jess's interview!! x0x0x0

Ginger said...

What beautiful pictures you took, just fabulous. Snow is so pretty. We haven't had much this year in my part of Okla but other parts had 14 inches.

Please come by and visit me sometime.


Beverly said...

Lynne, I will pray for you and Mr. P. I wish you a year of good health, joy and love.

The photos are breathtaking. It is quite cold here, but no snow for us.

Happy Pink Saturday.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh Lynne, the snow photos are spectacular! I loved seeing them. You and Mr. P are always in my prayers. I hope 2010 will be a wonderful year for both of you. Love ya, laurie

CC said...

Hi Lynne,
I will most certainly add your husband to a prayer husband has been having some major medical problems as well..I know how you feel.
Your pictures are breathtaking..just gorgeous pictures. There are a few that need to be published somehow..they're just gorgeous.
Happy belated Pink Saturday..have a wonderful week.

Tardevil said...


I hope you had a wonderful New Year's too! We just got in from the beach, and it was 37 degrees there for a high. The lows are in the teens here. I can only imagine how cold it is where you are. The snow is pretty YOUR house! LOL! I love that sled picture! It looks like a Christmas card!

Anonymous said...

Amazing as always

Rattlebridge Farm said...

Lynne, it looks like a winter wonderland, and with the snow falling on your blog page, I felt like I was right there, looking out the window with you and drinking coffee. It's so pretty. We just have the frigid temps (the pipes froze in my husband's office). I don't like to drive on icy roads but I do love to look at the pristine landscape. I hope your husband is feeling better.

vignette design said...

What spectacular pictures! I loved every one of them. Mr. P is in my prayers as well. --Delores

Barb said...

Lynne, your posts are always so gracious and beautiful. I am sending prayers out and will continue to do so.

How dear you are!

Hugs, Barb ♥

Anita Diaz said...

Those photos are gorgeous!!! Our prayers and thoughts are definitely coming your way for your hubby:-)

The Muse said...

just letting you know you were lifted up in prayer today :)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Your husband is going to be fine! With all the prayers coming your way and with your positive attitude, how can it be otherwise?! You have NO idea how I hope and pray he gets well. I know he will!
My prayers are with you!