Sunday, September 6, 2009

An Apple For the Teacher On Metamorphosis Monday

Yippee!! It's Metamorphosis Monday once again. Hosted by our Susan from over at Between Naps On The Porch. Another Monday full of changes that have occurred through out Blog Land. Be sure to click here for a full list of those participating this week.
You might find yourself asking what in the world does a bunch of apples have to do with Metamorphosis Monday? Okay, let's get going and I'll show you. :-))
While cleaning out the garage this weekend I remembered having this wonderful barrel my Aunt had given me many years ago. I haven't used it in quite awhile, so thought now was the time to pull it out. First it needed a good polishing, definitely an outside job.
Notice the markings on the side? They were there when she purchased it many years ago at the Kansas City Flea Market. I wasn't with her that time, so I don't know what she gave for it, but what ever it was; it was well worth the money. :-))

This was on the bottom part. It reads White Cloud, Kansas. White Cloud is a sleepy little town not far from us. When they have their outdoor flea markets, it is well worth the stop. This weekend is one of their biggest of the season. Boy am I embarrassed. Dust, oh my gosh. It was worse than dust, it was filth! However, some water and a lot of Old English Furniture Polish cleaned it right up. lol Now, lets start putting some Spanish moss in as a filler.
A wee bit more. No need to skimp here.
Much better. Now that the top is full of Spanish moss, lets start putting in some goodies.
Nice bright beautifully shaped apples. OK, so they are faux, but you have to admit they are beautifully shaped.. lol Look at that shine. W-O-W !! Much better than before. :-))
Just a few more apples and a bit of tweaking.......
Now that it's all clean, time to bring it inside and find a home for it. In my minds eye I can see it out here in the sun porch. At least for now. lol

Some Red Delicious, Granny Apple Green and Yellow Delicious!! They look pretty yummy to me. No! No! Don't take a bite.. remember they are faux. lol

At the end of the day you're left with a beautiful old barrel that I think once held peanuts, now full of beautifully polished apples.
Thanks for swinging in on this holiday weekend to say hello. I hope you and yours have had a fun filled safe Labor Day Weekend. Don't forget to swing by Susan's for at Betweennapsontheporch to say hello and check out the full list of those participating this week in Metamorphosis Monday. hugs ~lynne~


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh, I love, love, love the barrel and filled with the apples is just perfect. It looks fabulous. Hugs, Marty

susan said...

Lynne--I love the barrel and the apples absolutely look ready to be made into a pie! Hope you have a fun and restful Labor Day!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Love it - the apples look real. Hope you are having a great weekend.

xinex said...

Very pretty and very fall-ish, Lynne!...Christine

Anonymous said...

This retired teacher thinks your barrel of apples is a barrel of fun! It looks great! That basket is a real keepsake and well worth the effort you put into it.

Have a wonderful Monday.


Melissa Miller said...

Hi Lynne,
This is so charming and creative! You made the apples look really adorable in your lovely home.
LOVE the gorgeous green urn as well! ~Great MM!

Have a wonderfully blessed Labor Day my friend. ~Melissa :)

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Boy oh boy, it's the little things...a basket of apples...and suddenly beauty and warmth to behold! Just adorable! SOOO Fall! :)

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Oh Lynne!
I so love this little barrel, with the polish and all of the faux apples inside. It is absolutely adorable. I mean remember,"An apple a day keeps the Dr. away." A few extra apples around the house can't hurt right? I think you need a little sign tucked in there that says "Apples, or so much a pound." I have always loved those little wooden signs. It is just darling tucked in that corner. Thanks for sharing sweetie. Happy Labor Day. Country hugs, Sherry

ImagineCozy said...

Now that says,"FALL"! What a great piece for the sun porch.

Patsy said...

Looking good. Have a fun week-end.

KM Studios said...

Great Idea Lynne!!
"Ata way" to recycle!
You have reused that barrel and given it new life!
Those apples! - my gosh they look real!!
Hope your Laybor day weekend is a great one.

Jane said...

I love the apple barrel...something I have never seen before!And you made into a beautiful work of art...perfect for fall.

I am amazed that those faux apples are not freshly picked. They truly look real.

Have a fabulous day...
Jane (Artfully Graced)

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

It's beautiful, Lynne! I thought those apples were real!! Are they wax? I'd love to find some like those!

Dolores said...

Are you sure????? The apples look so real, ....I want some like that.

I love the barrel, and with the apples it's the perfect look of fall.

Thanks for the sweet comments about my family..... I met the new grandchild in China..via....Skype this morning. It made my day!

I hope you're having a good holiday.

9405018--Pat said...

love it all....apples look so real...hope you had a great holiday...Pat H

Barb said...

Lynne, this is just gorgeous!!!!! I am absolutely in love with this Fall.

Hugs, Barb :-)

Mary said...

Hi Lynn, Somehow, I missed your last couple of posts, so I'm going to say that they are all GREAT! Love those big did you do that???
Every October, we go up to Pollock Pines for the Apple Festival and stuff on apple favorite is apple pie, of course! Take care, sweetie! Mary

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

What a wonderful barrel, and you are so clever to use it for Fall decor (and those apples do look good enough to eat-I hope you don't have any guests try to take a bite!). laurie

Fifi Flowers said...

GREAT barrels... now I'm dying for an apple!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Lynne...that is the neatest barrell...I've never seen one like it! Your apples look so real...I tried to take a bite of one...sorry about those little dents. :-) Did it end up in your sunroom? It is sooo perfect for Fall!