Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Rooster Struts His Stuff On Tablescape Thursday

Welcome to another Tablescape Thursday. The day we get to pull out all the stops and play with our dishes. Hosted by the Queen of Tablescapes Susan from over at Betweennapsontheporch. Click on my sidebar and it will take you right there for a full list of participants.

Most of you know I adore roosters. As long as they are on the inside and not the outside. lol I have many of them to play with, so thought I would use one on the tablescape this week. The grandson has been here this week so I had to hurry to put this together before I took him down fishing.
Mr. Rooster sits upon the green cake plate surrounded by grapes.
That I borrowed from over here on the hutch. I don't think the hutch minds too much that I borrowed it. See I moved "some" things around so the hole wouldn't show.. lol This is what you'll find on the bottom. I believe I got these pictures inverted. Forgive me folks I told you I had to do this in a hurry. Bailey is hammering to go fishing.. lol

Here you'll see the beautiful base. I purchased this last summer at TJ Maxx. I believe I gave $12.oo for it. Quite the bargain I thought. Now, as a rule I don't normally use tablecloths. But I felt this table needed one. Naturally, it had to be pressed first. And that takes time. Bailey, bless his little heart was as patient as a 9 year old can be. He entertained himself playing his PlayStation2 while grandma continued playing with her dishes. lol
I chose the white plates with the green floral pattern that belonged to my mother. Topped with a green napkins matching the tablecloth. The napkin ring was purchased at Walmart last winter on clearance. I honestly don't remember what I gave for them. I just knew they were too pretty to pass up.
This is what is on the bottom of Mother's plate. Do any of you know what the numbers mean?
And this is on the bottom of the plate with the fruit. I got these plates a few years back at the Dollar General Store. I remember giving a $1.00 a piece for them. Now, a few years back I thought maybe I need to get rid of a few dishes. I know.. where was my head? Anyway, I put them in a garage sale and they didn't sale. So, that told me I was suppose to hang onto them. lol
Here you can see the edge with the fruit. The chargers I got from Penney's last year on clearance. I think you'll find these around Blog land a lot. They are quite heavy and have the prettiest border.
Close up

A little bigger and this would make a "fabulous" bracelet.
A girls gotta have her bling. Right?

The water glasses I purchased at Walmart last summer.
The small crystal tumbler I got at an estate sale in a box of other goodies. Price -FREE!! Don't you love when that happens?
The flatware was a bargain last summer at Target. They have many colors to choose from. I think the only color I don't have is red. They are very similar to ones you'll find at Horchow. I'm sure the weight is alot different, but so is the price and these were in my price range. lol
The crackled glass candleholders were purchased many years ago at Hobby Lobby. I don't remember the price. I just know they had to be at least half price or more or I wouldn't have purchased them. Aren't they gorgeous?
This is another little beauty I got FREE in a box of goodies at the same estate sale. I had thought about polishing it up, but loved the patina with the table setting.
Isn't it sweet?
Salt and pepper anyone?

From above
Thanks for stopping by today. Treat yourself by swinging over to Susan's who's graciously hosted another Tablescape Thursday for us to be able to play with our dishes. Susan thanks again for making this day possible. hugs ~lynne~

Update: As soon as the pictures were taken and uploaded Bailey and I did go fishing. Neither of us caught anything, but we sure had fun. And that's what life is all about, having fun. I hope each and everyone of you take a moment or two today and just have fun.. Many many hugs ~lynne~


Claudia said...

Wow this is one long and impressive post.

Stop by mine and see my real live rooster.

TTFN~~ Claudia ♥ ♥

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

What a lovely tablescape. I LOVE your rooster. He is just fabulous. Your china is so beautiful and so delicate looking. I don't know what the numbers mean, however I do think it tells when they were made. Wish I could help there. Your crackle candleholders are truly gorgeous. Everything is so pretty and so well done. Love it. Hugs, Marty

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

Your table is gorgeous, Lynne!

I've been thinking about the green Target flatware. I have the cream and brown. I might have to buy the green,too. They make for fun tablescapes!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Very pretty girl...I really like those napkins rings...Maybe because I also got them he he!! Love the green and white toghter and that Roo as a center piece is just great my always BRAVO to you for another great table and this would take me all day...sorry you didn't get any fish but a day with Bailey is PRICELESS and fish you can buy at the store right...May you have a great day my dear friend...Love ya sis...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Tamara Jansen said...

Man, you have some FINE dishes there. Isn't it just the most delicious to play like that?!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

So many pretty dishes! I should take more time with my table, but right now it is covered up with jewelry pieces/supplies, a book I just finished, paper work, etc., etc.

Linda said...

Wow Lynne, I'm glad you did not sell those dishes. They are fantastic. I love all your other buys as well. Don't you just love it when finds are free.

Four Paws and Co said...

Beautiful tablescape Lynne! Now give Bailey a great big hug from me for letting his grandma play with the dishes for a bit. ☺♥☺ diane

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Lynne,
Gorgeous table and I love all your wonderful finds! The napkin rings, the crackle candleholder, the beautiful china, you've really created a beautiful table! Cindy

Kammy said...

Hi Lynne !
Lovely table ! I am so sad that I missed out on those great chargers !
Hugs ~ Kammy

Christi @ A Southern Life said...

That is one handsome rooster. Lovely table!


Mid-Atlantic Martha said...

This is so pretty and quite an elegant presentation with your rooster - this is different from the usual "country casual" -- it's always fun to see things from a different perspective -- sorry that you and Bailey didn't get to serve fresh caught fish on your pretty tablescape!

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Love the jelly dish with the spoon...your table is so those candle holders too. Happy TT!

susan said...

I love all your vintage pieces. I bet it is a little hard to explain tablescaping to a nine year old boy--Where's the food Grandma ?? :) Hope you caught fish!

The Tablescaper said...

Great layering. The tablecloth was a must. LOVE those napkin rings - what a find!
-The Tablescaper

santamaker said...

My twin rooster to this one is soooo jealous...he's just been hanging out in the porch, hoping I'll let him inside and grace the tabletop. What a classy tablescape, Lynne. Love the pearls, girl! Your photos are great!

Anonymous said...

Your dishes are beautiful! Great Tablescape!!

Melissa Miller said...

Lynne it's all sooooo gorgeous!

Your rooster is really a handsome fellow and I adore that pretty fringed runner. ~Beautiful!

~Wonderful job my friend! :)

Jessica said...

Another beautiful tablescape created by Lynne...I always leave here so inspired. I love your china, it's gorgeous and the napkins rings....perfect. Hope ya'll had a great time fishing!

Hugs~ J

onlymehere said...

This is a beautifully elegant tablescape. I'm amazed at how the little details really make your tablescapes! Mr. Rooster looks right at home where you have him!

Tricia said...

I love your rooster and your green cake stand. Your white china is also stunning!

Maryrose said...

Hi Lynne,
Mr Rooster looked so proud sporting your fine table. Everything was lovely and I always enjoy all the layer of dishes, each layer is always a new surprise. Your colors are wonderful and I do adore your Walmart napking ring. You are so right, a girl has to have her bling ;)
Thanks for sharing.

Brenda Pruitt said...

And what a truly regal rooster he is! And what a magnificent table setter you are! Where on earth am I at these estate sales when they're handing out things free? I must be standing in the wrong line. I love these colors. So tranquil, yet everything here is worthy of a magazine spread. The photos are superb, by the way.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Oh! That lovely Rooster! He is wonderful! Just is everything on your tablescape. Table candy for the eye! :) Your home is lovey!

Dolores said...

You're a good shopper and a very good decorator!!! I love your rooster and green cake plate, a great way to show-off both of them....

Fishing with your grandson, Bailey ...... wonderful memories!!!

I hope Mr. P is still having a good week!

Cass @ That Old House said...

Lynne this is gorgeous! I LOVE that rooster -- he's just so majestic. But I really love that tablesetting -- and those fruit plates you got for a buck? That's my Thanksgiving china pattern! I have service for about 7,000 in that white stuff!

It lives all year in the bottom of a breakfront and gets used on thanksgiving day. What fun to see it pop up on your table!

Lovely -- Cass
PS I haven't mailed your French General stuff yet -- crazy week -- I'll get it out tomorrow, sorry!

Anonymous said...

Oh my you certainly did pull out all the stops on this one!! Lovely- that rooster- gorgeous!!

You are so right about my painting dilemma being a tough one. DH says it's mine- to do with what I want- but I know down deep inside he is a wood grain kind of man down to the core!! I do so love that crisp white look- I am thinking of holding off and doing something with the back of it like several had mentioned. Do that first and then if I still think I need a change we'll see. ....


So glad you enjoyed your non-fish fishing day!

Tammy518 said...

Mr. Rooster looks very majestic! I love all the pretty layers of dishes, and the candleholders too!

Jessica said...

Morning dear Lynne~

Thanks you for encouraging words and support. So many of us have so much going on which is why I was so hesitant. But, I'm glad I shared. I too will continue to keep you & your Mr. P in my prayers.

Have a beautiful weekend my dear friend!

♥ J

Jennie Shutt said...

I like you centerpiece Mr. Rooster looks very proud sitting upon the green cake plate surrounded by grapes.

Deanna said...

Your table is lovely and it would be a delight to dine here.
I want to thank you for becoming a HomeHaven Follower. It is a pleasure to meet you through Blogland.
I read your profile and God Bless you with all of the challenges. I'm so very sorry about the illnesses.
He is my refuge for I have some challenges as well.
I'll come back for visits to see what you have been doing.

Bill said...

Hi Lynne,
Your rooster is a beauty!
I really like the neutral tone of your green tablecloth and napkins ... nice backdrop for all your pretty items you've included. The napkin rings add a nice elegant touch. You've coordinated all the colors and shapes beautifully ... nicely done!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

So pretty Lynne! I love the big colorful rooster -- he makes such a beautiful centerpiece and compliments your dishes so well.
Glad you and Bailey had fun fishing! I can't wait till my grandson is old enough to do that with me.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Lynne, this tablescape is so pretty. (Did Bailey just love it?LOL) Your rooster is a real beauty, and I love your mother's plates. Those napkin rings look like they will go with everything. I'm going to be on the lookout for some of those. Great tablescape. laurie