Friday, June 19, 2009

1st Annual Cloche Party with Marty

I'm so excited to be joining in with Marty and the rest of you wonderful ladies at the first annual Cloche Party. I'm looking forward to seeing all of your wonderful displays with your cloches. After looking around I discovered I had many cloches, used in many different ways. You see that's the thing, when I like it I like it "a lot". Yes, I do have several. I'm going to show you a few of the ones I've had on display around here for the past few months. This one I put some "real" eggs under to go with the display on the dining room table.
This cloche is only 7" tall, so requires a small item. I chose this small bird on a pedestal.

This cloche I chose to put on a wooden pedestal and chose another darling bird. This bird was one of my best sellers last summer. Do you think I might have a bird theme going on? tee-hee

This cloche I purchased last Christmas from the store where I work part-time. I really had a yearning for it, but couldn't really justify the price or the luxury of buying for myself. I told myself if it was there the following week when I went in, it was going home with me. Well, yippee! You can see it came home. It is g-normous! You might remember the bunny from earlier this spring. That's right girls, haven't changed him out yet.

You might recognize this cloche dome on the metal stand from one of my very first posts. I've gotten so much good out of this one. It shows off a lot of treasures. Presently I have a bird on a gazing ball that I picked up last summer at TJ Maxx.

This little treasure came from Hobby Lobby last summer. I love the ceramic dish the dome sits on. Inside is a real birds nest hubby picked up out of the yard many years ago. Perfect fit don't you think?

Now, you know I can't leave my bunnies out. This little guy was picked up in Arkansas many years ago and has traveling fever. You will find him all over the house.
This my friends is what started my Cloche Addiction. My girlfriend gave this beautiful Cloche to me for my birthday a few years back. Her and her daughter were at Nell Hill's in Atchison, Kansas and spotted it and thought it would make the perfect gift. I am in total agreement. I absolutely adore it.
Thanks so much for swinging in to see my Cloche's. Don't forget to swing by Marty's at for a full list of participants. Marty, thanks so much for hosting a fun filled day. I hope to see you there.
hugs ~lynne~


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Love them all, but the first little bunny is my favorite. :-) Gotta love that little face.

Barb @ The Everyday Home said...

Well Mrs Lynn - you just might win the award in Bloggyland for having the most cloches. LOL

I MUST find more of these darlings! You have a wonderful collection and I must say, a nice collection of bunnies and birds, too. You're a woman after my own heart.

Thanks so much for sharing all your pretties with us. Hope you and your hubby are doing well. Hugs, Barb

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Lynne! I just knew when I saw your name that you would have some beautiful cloches and I was not disappointed! I love them all,but I think the one with the real bird's nest is my favorite! You have such creative ideas, Lynne! Thanks for sharing them!...hugs...Debbie

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Girl WELCOME to the par-ty...WOW!! you do have some great Cloche's my the traveling bunny ha ha!! and girl those eggs are just every thing you do...Oh girl I am so glad to see you back you have not a clue how much I have missed you and love ya sis...Hope you have a great weekend...prays coming your way as always...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Salmagundi said...

Lynne- So glad to see you, our queen of vignettes, back arranging things for our continuing education. Love all of the cloches - I'm envious. Sally

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Wonderful. I love your collection and you have so many lovely things displayed is such a beautiful way. I just love them all. You are very creative with all your displays. Great eye candy and so inspirational. Thanks so much for joining the party. I love it. Hugs, Marty

Melissa Miller said...

~Gorgeous cloches Lynne! :)

You have an amazing collection and great ideas. I just adore the bird and gazing ball. ~Beautiful.

Have a blessed day.
~Melissa :)

Barbara Jean said...

Well i guess you know i am lovin' all the birds and nests, in, under, around any thing or anywhere!!

all so cute.

blessings, and thanks for coming by to say hi.

barbara jean

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

you have a great collection! I want one now! I think I will get one for myself next month for my birthday!

Four Paws and Co said...

Lynne, they're all so pretty, but I'm loving the bunny cloche vignettes! You always have the best ideas. Keep 'em coming - I need all the inspiration I can find! ☺♥☺ Diane

Beth at Aunties said...


So MANY wonderful ideas and I loved them all! Thanks for sharing your wonderful ideas!

You are in my thoughts and prayers:-)

savvycityfarmer said...




Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

I am still visiting the cloche party goers..and yours are lovely!
If I had to make a choice..I think it would be the one with the natural nest. NO ONE can make a nest like a bird! :) Your husband did good to get that for you. Protecting it under glass is perfect! All of your cloches are beautiful. I own five live also am into the bird theme! I love birds and yours are just beautiful!
Thank you for stopping by to see my sweet pillows by Rebecca.
See you soon! Have a wonderful weekend!
Mona :)

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Oh my gosh...I had no idea you back up and blogging, I am sooooooo sorry, I checked in so many times, I wish i had known!!! So glad you came by, hope you are well....stay in touch now missy!!! Xoxoxoxo

Anonymous said...

what a "tweet" to see all your sweet cloches. ~ Miles of Smiles ~ Lynn

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

We were out at garage sales and running errands, this morning, so I'm just now seeing your beautiful cloches. I love them all.

While we were out, I saw one, I might have to go back for sometime.

Enjoyed this post!

Maryjane-The Beehive Cottage said...

Beautiful cloches! Beautiful blog!!


Chari at Happy To Design said...


Ohhh myyyy gosh, Girlfriend! I just seen a comment from you on another blog and rushed right over here! My little heart is just goin' a pitter-patter right now!!! I didn't know that you had come back to blogland!!! It's been soooo long since I've heard from you...this is just wonderful, Sweetie!!!

Ohhh I'm realizing that you have made several posts and I didn't even know it! Girl, why didn't you come by to say Hi? I've missed you terribly! In fact, I emailed you several times but never heard from you...just been so concerned! I do hope that everything is going better for you and your honey! I'll have to go back and read all of your posts...I just feel like a complete idiot because I didn't even know you were here!

Just so happy to see you Darlin'! Well, I guess I should go and take a look at your blog...I didn't even stop to do that...just came right over to leave you a note! Love you, Lynne!!! I've missed you terribly, Girlfriend!!! I'm just so happy to see that you're back!!!


Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hehe! It's just lil' ol' me again! that the initial shock has worn off...I went back to see all of your beautiful cloches! Girl, you have quite the collection...I love each and every one of them...and you have them all decorated so beautifully! I really like the one with the real pretty! But my favorite is the big cloche on the stand!!! Girlfriend, it's fabulous!!! I love the bird on the gazing ball...what a statement that big beauty makes!!! I see my bird's cousin has found a home under one of your cloches...hehe! My little tweet has ended up in my studio/office...he's perched underneath a big ol' decorative iron crown and sits on top of my hutch! Well my friend, thank you for sharing your fabulous cloche collection! I'm just thrilled to see you,'s been so long!

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne! I've missed you! Oh, I'm so glad you joined the party and you do have some wonderful cloches! Gotta love the little bunnies!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia ;)

Anonymous said...

So glad you could join the party Lynne! You have some great cloches and enjoyed seeing them dressed in their finery!

Kim @ Starshine Chic said...

Fabulous displays! I'm getting so many great ideas from seeing what everyone is sharing.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

I am trying so hard to quit laughing...your cloches are fantastic...and everything was fine until I saw that bunny...remember?? I still have trouble seeing it as a bunny...but it's all good...still laughing...
Happy cloche party!

Brenda Pruitt said...

You have some beautiful cloches there! I only have one. I've got to find some more after seeing all these pretties everywhere. Love the nature/bird themes!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Hi Lynne! I'm so glad to see you in Blogland again! You've been missed! Your cloche collection is soooo wonderful...I don't think I can pick a fav! I love that you have one from Nell Hill' cool is that! :-) Susan

Anonymous said...

I love all of your cloches. I only have one now but after visiting this party the past two days, I am on a mission!
Thanks for sharing.


Michelle, All Home and Love said...

Beautiful! I love the birds. You are getting me even more excited for our Hobby Lobby to open, looks like I'll be finding some treasures there!

Lady Katherine said...

Lynne, I love them all, the bunny and the nest one are my favorite, Oh, I love the pears too! lol Glad to see you my friend!!!

candy said...

I was blog hopping and came across your blog and thought Id say HI :)


Muthering Heights said...

I love the birds you have under your cloches! I have a bird theme running through my house too. :)