Saturday, January 17, 2009

Pink Saturday and a Treasure Chest

It's Saturday girls, and you know what that means. A full day of everything gorgeous and pink. Beverly over at once again is our gracious host for a beautiful day of pink. Be sure to swing by for a full list of participants . While putting the office back together I ran across this darling chest. It's not a large chest, but perfect for holding a few goodies. Notice I've paired it with a bunny. Yes.. I know I have quite a few of them around the house. :-) The photo here doesn't show the soft yellow, but I'm sure you can see the pink roses.

The soft green enhances the sweetness of the roses and softens the darling black latch.

When I purchased the little chest I knew it would be perfect for storing cards. It's now full to overflowing. For a while the grandson used it as "his" treasure chest. :-) Now, it's far too feminine for an 8 year old. After all they aren't the most fond of roses on their treasure chests, they're more into anything rough and tough. lol
Now that Grandma gets to use it, it's full of all the cards my little guy has given me. Instead of roses my little guy gave me tulips. Notice the bunny girls? Even at a young age he knew I loved bunnies. Isn't that just the sweetest thing? :-)) See why this little guy makes my heart sing?

I hope you enjoyed the treasure box of pink this week. Don't forget to check out all the other great pink over at I'll see you there.

hugs ~lynne~


Melissa Miller said...

Hi Lynne,
Thank you! I was a bit nervous posting this.
I really needed your support.

Your chest is precious. I always love how you pair things up and make them even more special. The bunny looks even more adorable next to it.
What a lovely place to store special memories. I have alot of decorative storage boxes with memorabilia. Love your new header photo too.

I hope you and your husband are doing well this weekend.
~Stay warm. Melissa

Brocante said...

Hi - I justed wanted to say I enjoyed visiting you this morning (Europe time) - Hope you stop by and visit me sometimes too! Enjoy your week end. I am about to go to an Antique market in London today before I head back for Norway and winter!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Lynne this is so sweet girl.and nothing like a grand baby to steal your the little have some of the greatest treasures I have even seen...hope you have a safe and blessed day dear friend..I am off to see my grandson go into the Army today YAHOO!! we made it ya sis..hugs and smiles Gloria

Linda said...

Wonderful blog, a joy to read, Linda & Popppyxx

Philippe Rissetto said...

Bonjour Lynne,
Je suis heureuse de votre visite et de votre commentaire sur mon blog. Je vous remercie pour votre lien vers A Heart in Provence, j'en suis très flattée.
Je me suis permise de vous citer dans ma rubrique "My readers"

cottage farm villa said...

Sweet little box, but sweeter little card! Cheryl

Unknown said...

How precious! What a simply delightful little box filled with things to warm you heart. Happy Pink Saturday!

Unknown said...

Don't we all love a good treasure box?! I love the contrast of the gorgeous dark latch.

jerseygirl211 said...

Good Morning,

Just dropped by to say hello. Hope your feeling a little more rested after the busy holidays. I'm finally starting to catch up.


Kat said...

Lynne, this truly is a treasure chest. How sweet. And I love all of your bunnies. This is as close as I can get to them, I am allergic to rabbits of all things! Kathy

Chris Bowers said...

Beautiful post!

Glenda said...

Most likely Bailey's next encounter with roses will happen when he gives/sends a bouquet to a sweet young thing that has caught his eye. Your box may not be manly but it IS beautiful.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Glenda, I'm sure the encounter will come when he happens to send roses to a girl. However, at this age he says often he doesn't want to date a girl.. lol.. We both know that will change, hopefully not too soon. I really like the lego stage. :-) Hope you're having a super w/k. hugs ~lynne~

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Lynne.

I love your treasure chest, and I know all about sweet grandsons. I have one, too.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Lynne, I am sure that anything that is full of cards from your grandson is special! But that chest and your vignette with it are lovely. laurie

Lynette said...

What a pretty little box, but I liked the pretty little card kept inside better. Memories are the best, huh?

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

Happy Pink Saturday! and what a lovely chest especially when one has roses on it!.. a treasure! have a great weekend! take care!

onlymehere said...

Your grandson sounds like a gem! He seems to know you so well. I love your treasures and I'm noticing more and more bunnies in your home!!

Kathleen Ellis said...

What a pretty little box...I have similar boxes and I use them to store cards and stationery!
Happy Pink Saturday!

Barbara Jean said...

Good morning Lynn,
The little box is adorable.
I love roses!!

Blessings on your weekend.

Barbara Jean

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Pretty little box (treasure chest) and gotta love the bunny. Have a great weekend.

Salmagundi said...

I just cleaned out my desk of all of the cards from the grandchildren. I couldn't bear to get rid of them; now, I need to find a treasure chest!! Have a great weekend. Sally

Anonymous said...

Lovely treasure box Lynne
I love the ice photo's you have. Seems like that over here in Ontario. -30 so cold.
Love your museum dog pic also, very cute.
Nice to meet you
Claudie from Canada

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Lynne...What a cute little treasure chest! And what wonderful treasures inside!I have a stack of them, too, from my little guy! I love to look at how he's grown...from signing with a scribble to a picture and now a "real" note in 8 year old spelling!! Have a great weekend...debbie

imjacobsmom said...

What a treasure! I know that a bunny makes it even better! From one bunny lover to another Happy Pink Saturday! ~ Robyn

Four Paws and Co said...

Happy Pink Saturday Lynne! Love the little chest & the story! Hmmm, that little pink chest would be so perfect in my guest room... ♥ Diane

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Lynne..Good morning! I will definitely stop by and take a look at the pink goodies. Roses are everywhere in my home. The way you have the little keepsake box displayed is neat. You do have the cutest bunnies.
Grandson's. Well, as I've said.."I hope he never asks me to rob a bank..because I'd just have to do it!" :) Have a wonderful, warm and peaceful day. (I love visiting here!!!)

My name is Riet said...

The little chest is lovely. Happy pink Saturday

Lady Katherine said...

First, I have been trying to comment and get on your blog! I have some new security and it blocks me! I finally made it! The frozen wave is great, go to show it to hubby! The card is just too sweet! I could not believe the chest! I have a wooden clock that is in the same colors and pattern. So funny, with the remodel, lots of my things are boxed up. I came across my clock yesterday! lol I thought maybe I could do my bedroom around it? I did a guest room using it, once. Now my girls have the furniture and that guest room is now part of the family room.

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday!!

Kathy said...

Hi Lynne, your photos from the last post are breathtaking and beautiful WOW.

Happy Pink Saturday, your treasure box is so pretty and what treasures you have inside, what a sweet grandson and talented. The bunny is so cute, hugs, Kathy.

Femin Susan said...

Congratulations...!we don't celebrate pink Saturday but hope u had a good day!!! Very cute all those pictures...

Picket said...

Hey girl...I love the new header pic you got! That is the sweetest little chest but those cards from that little grandson is even sweeter!...I still have some of the cards the kids made me when they were young & and that was over 30 years ago! Have a great weekend my friend!

Stephanie said...

That is a treasure chest indeed, holding precious memories!

Happy Pink Saturday!


Angie said...

I love your little treasure chest of memories! And, what an adorable little watch bunny you have guarding it! Happy Pink Saturday!

Belinda said...

Its a precious little treasure chest, Lynne. And even though your grandson outgrew the roses for his own personal use (lol!), its really sweet that he is adding to the treasures for you now. His bunny birthday card is cute as can be. :-)

Anonymous said...

What a perfect vessel for your is decorated nicely too!

nikkicrumpet said...

THats a very pretty treasure box...everyone should have one. But I am totally blown away by those photos on the last post...Holy Cow those are so amazing!! thanks for sharing them.

Rattlebridge Farm said...

What a dear box--I can't wait for my granddaughter to write a "To MY Grandma" card. Hope you had a good day.

The Raggedy Girl said...

What a sweet little chest and I love the little flowers.
Roberta Anne

Anonymous said...

Lovely story about your treasure chest holding your granddarling's cards. Treasure indeed!

All the best, Lana

pinkkandy said... mother had a chest almost just like that one...had'nt been here before but nice blog.
God Bless

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Pinklady, Kandy.. I'm so glad you stopped by. I'm glad you enjoyed the little treasure chest of cards. I hope to see you again. Have a super w/k. hugs ~lynne~

Kris said...

That truly is a treasure chest. Not only is it pretty on the outside, the inside houses so much love.

Happy PS


Unknown said...

The treasure chest is PRECIOUS! And I love the little card your grandson made is a work of art.

The Muse said...

so aptly named..treasure chest! lol....what little delights to cradle! Thanks for Pink Saturday fun!

ksarra said...

I have a wicker basket of cards too. Is there anything sweeter than a hand made card or a wildflower picked from the yard when it's given to you by a grandchild? Lynne, we truly are blessed aren't we? Have a good week friend, your visits brighten my day.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

What a nice box...and what a great use for it!!! Hope you are having a good day....x00x00x0

Sandy~Romantique Inspirations~ said...

What is it about decorative storage boxes?.... I seem to be always attracted to them. You have a very nice one indeed!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

What a great idea to keep all the cards from your grandson in a special "treasure chest". I'm stealing that one!

Fifi Flowers said...

Happy Pink Saturday!

Anonymous said...

Yes,the chest is precious.But I think it's wonderful that he loves bunnies too..Ann