Saturday, December 27, 2008

~~~Welcome to Pink Saturday~~~

Good morning girls, Welcome to another Pink Saturday hosted by Beverly over at Be sure to stop over for a list of all the other wonderful Pink Participants.Today I want to share this beautiful rose bowl. My friend Betty always had the bowl sitting on top of her t.v. or occasionally you might see it on her sofa table. One day I suggested she get a bowl stand so she could admire the beautiful rose inside the bowl from across the room. She told me the bowl originally belonged to her grandmother. There are no markings on the bottom, no matter. It is priceless to me. But I am curious as to it's origin. After my Betty passed I was fortunate to be the next keeper of the bowl.

The details are incredible. I can almost smell the fragrance of the beautiful rose.

I'm so glad you took the time to stop by for a visit on this beautiful Pink Saturday. Please take a minute to swing by Beverly's at for a full list of all the other participants. You're in for a treat. hugs ~lynne~


Rattlebridge Farm said...

What a treasure, and in so many ways. I will look at my china book tonight and see if I find any rose bowls.

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Good Evening Dear Friend...First I have missed you and hope you had a wonderful Christmas..mine was Great Kyra had her heart surgery and is holding her own...
Now girl that Betty Bowl is just beautiful and Priceless how special that you are now the keeper of this beautiful Berry bowl..and also I love your new header picture and love ya Lynne..your's the best love the way you did the Vingettes with this..great job as always...have a wonderful day...hugs and smiles Gloria

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

My computer froze so I am not sure if my comment went through...

It is beautiful (whatever it is, sorry I am no help) and a very special gift from your friend...a real treasure!

imjacobsmom said...

What a gorgeous rose bowl. It is very detailed. I have my Grandmother's china that has poppies on it that are very detailed and they contain no markings also. I scour the antique sales and markets but I have yet to spot any others like it. What a beautiful momento from your friend to you. ~ Happy Pink Saturday~ Robyn

The Muse said...

What a truly lovely beautiful as the plate is...your words have made it more so :)

Glenda said...

I am so happy for you that you became the "keeper" of your friends Betty's wonderful bowl.
The bowl may not have any visible markings, but it is marked by friendship nevertheless. May it always bring you sweet memories.

Jessica said...

Good morning Lynne~ what a cherished pink is gorgeous. I'm glad it's in good hands!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas & have a great weekend!

Hugs~ J.

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Lynne, I'm not sure what happened, but I left a comment and got some kind of message, so I hope this doesn't post twice. Your bowl is beautiful and what a wonderful reminder of your friend. I also love your new blog header. laurie

Kat said...

What a beautiful keepsake from your dear friend. My grandmother had a bowl very similar to this, I think it was her cousins. I have no idea where it came from, but I've always loved it. Kathy

Bo said...

Hi Lynne...Your friend Betty made a wise choice when she named you as the next "keeper" of the beautiful rose bowl...she knew it would be loved & treasured, but wouldn't she be thrilled to know it would be blogged about to all of us....I LOVE it! ;-) Bo

Anonymous said...

What a great treasure from a wonderful friend. I collect plates & bowls etc. that are painted like those. Thought I had one like it, but it is not...just similar.
Good luck finding out more about it!
Happy New Year!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Glenda, I'm so glad you stopped by. You're so right, it has the beautiful markings of friendship. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas my friend. hugs ~lynne~

Tomarie said...

What a gorgeous bowl! And so sweet that it has such sentimental attachment. Pretty AND sentimental is just the best!! :-) L~

onlymehere said...

How sweet of Betty to remember you and leave you this bowl!! I love it and especially the sentiment that surrounds it. I'm glad you have it to enjoy. It's very pretty.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Very pretty bowl, and looks great as the focal point in the vignette.

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Tomarie, Laura, thanks for swinging by today. I hope you had the best Christmas ever. I know you're looking forward to being off for a bit..hugs ~lynne~

Glennis said...

What a wonderful way to remember a friend. Such a pretty bowl. Have agreat Pink Saturday.

Salmagundi said...

Lynne--- Dishes like that are always priceless because of the gift no matter their origin. I enlarged your pictures, and it would be my guess that it is German, Bavarian, or maybe Prussian. It appears to be an embellished transfer rather than hand painted. When it is magnified, do you see tiny dots instead of brush strokes? If so, it is a transfer print. Also, is there a lustre to the glaze? I have about 150 dishes of lustre with transfer prints and lots of different marks. Most of it is German. I'm certainly not an expert, so take this info for what it is worth!!! Enjoyed seeing your wonderful bowl. Sally

suesueb said...

the bowl is not only beautiful but special because of the love you have for your friendship with betty. thanks for sharing that. happy pink saturday and new year!!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Dear friend..Ok I looked in my china books and I thing this bowl is from Germany from what I can tell..its all hand painted...Oh my girl we are both wearin the same blog should we be like Ethel and Lucy and start tearing each other's day to spreads??? do you remember that show?? of course you do..thanks for coming ya girl..hugs and smiles Gloria

Connie said...

It's lovely to meet you, Lynne, and I love Buddy Holly......Squeeeeeal....Love your pink things, sweetpea...

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bowl and sweet treasure to remember your friend Betty.

How is your weather Lynne? It's dark and stormy here.

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful bowl! How nice to have it to remember your friend by! Happy Holidays and Pink Saturday! E.

Anonymous said...

Happy Pink Saturday, Lynne.

What a wonderful and warm memory your lovely bowl must bring you. I believe it is German.

SmilingSally said...

Thanks for sharing that pretty bowl. Happy Pink Saturday!

Donna @ Party Wishes said...

What a beautiful bowl! I love to disply my china. I have it in every room of my house with the exception of "the man areas". Happy PS and New Year!

Melissa Miller said...

Hi Lynne,

This is a gorgeous plate! It is the prettiest Rose plate I've seen. Lots of deatail. :)

Hope your Christmas was incredible. Ours was great! Very quiet and really different than previous years but that was alright with us.

Can you pay a visit to a fairly new blogger if you have a moment?
Her name is "Alisa" and her blog is "CAROLINA PANACHE". She is a designer and her blog is really pretty. She's on my bloglist.

Thanks and have a wonderful weekend. ~Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful momento.

Betty said...

How wonderful to have the bowl that reminds you of your friend Betty! I think I have a very similar bowl in my collection.
Have a wonderful Pink Saturday and a Happy New Year!

Sweetie said...

Lynne, Your pink rose plate is gorgeous. I want to thank you for expressing sympathy over the sudden passing of my husband. I should be back to blogging by the middle of next week.
With love,

Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Lynne...What a beautiful bowl! And the fact that it came from a dear friend makes it even more special! Happy New Year!...Debbie

Anonymous said...


lvroftiques said...

Hi Lynne! I have a few bowls like yours from your dear sweet Betty, And mine are german. I would bet that yours is too. It IS a real beauty!! And you are the perfect keeper of the bowl!*winks* Vanna

Unknown said...

Looks like you have some experts on here that will help you with the bowl. Wish I knew something but I don't!

I do think the bowl is lovely and is a great way to remember a friend!

Mo..."Mo's Cottage" said...

Your bowl is just beautiful....what a fabulous treasure you have from your friend...It looks great just where you have it....
Mo :-)

Lady Katherine said...

To the keeper of this bowl. This Bowl of roses is so lovely! Its breath taking! I love you have it on a bowl stand, as I have never seen a bowl stand. Now I would love to see one for it shows off this beautiful bowl!

Lady Katherine said...

To the keeper of the bowl! This bowl is so lovely! Its just breath taking. I love that you have it on a bowl stand, as I have never seen a bowl stand, now I would love to see one. The bowl is so beautiful on the stand. What a lovely gift from your friend.

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

what a treasure especially one that has a wonderful memory on it!.. I love the bowl!.. infact am looking for one to call my own. Have a great weekend!

Edie Marie's Attic said...

Hi Lynne!

I was amazed to see your beautiful bowl!! My mom gave me a bowl that she said belonged to her Grandmother, so it's my Great-Grandmother. It looks VERY similar! The edge isn't quite as fancy as yours. The roses are similar looking. I treasure it because it's the only thing I have of my Great-Grandmother's. There was a fire that destroyed their farmhouse and very little was rescued. My Great-Grandmother was Dutch German which means she came from the Holland region. My Great-Grandfather was English. So the bowl could be from either area or could have been made here in America, I just don't know. My bowl has no markings on the bottom either.

Right now our house is up for sale and we have many things packed, especially things like this. When I eventually have it unpacked I will post a picture of it for you! I immediately thought of my bowl when I saw yours!! If you find out anything please let me know!

It has to be old. My mother is now 93 yrs old. It has to be from the 1800's, maybe early 1800's.

Hugs, Sherry

I'm so shocked! What a small world!


Gorgeous piece with such warm memories attached to it. :o)

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Hi there stranger, hope you had a wonderful Christmas, been so busy and I am back to work tomorrow, boohoo!!! I will stop by again soon, take care!!x0x0x0x0x0

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Lynne, Your rose bowl is beautiful. And what a treasure to have such a keepsake from your beloved friend. Have a great day!!
Hugs, Terrie

Lisa (aka) French said...

What a beaut' and a keeper thanks for sharing it and the story with all of us;) French

Anonymous said...

Beautiful bowl, Lynne ... they truly don't make them like that any more. I love the way you have it displayed, and the photos are yummy!

KatCollects said...

I love your beautiful rose bowl, happy belated pink Saturday.