Friday, August 9, 2013

It May Not Be A Schwinn Bicycle

Yesterday I left you with a little hint, did any of you guess what was under the large fern? Did I peek
your interest?

Continuing where we left off, I'll share "more" of the shop patio. I know it seems as though I'm stuck in one area I promise you I'm not. There is so much more around the house to share. Notice how clean everything looks in front of the table in the river rock? All of the pots, small junk treasures are gone, all of the excess brick moved to just inside the end of the barn, to say nothing of like a ga-zillion stepping stones I just knew I had to have, guess I did I bought them right? Well, that was almost 12 years ago. I'm going for a cleaner fresher look around here. SO much easier to maintain.
 Any guesses yet?

 If you guessed the bicycle has changed you are correct. This is the only picture I could find the way it sat before with flower pots sitting behind it. I purchased the green/yellow colored metal bicycle about 10 years or so ago from Tuesday morning on a day trip with my daughter. My Bailey was just a baby what a fun time we had, great memories.
 It may not have a padded seat for long days of riding,
 Or rubber grips to help cushion the grip,
 There aren't any fancy pedals,or chains to maintain.

 All done up in red she makes a statement as she sits beside the arbor. Notice all the trees in the background all groomed up? Another hint of all the clean up I've been doing. Tons of limbs were cut off using the loppers, my little Mule got a work out that whole week. It was so hot and muggy, I thought I would melt down. It was so worth all the work.

 Looking to the right of the picture you can see a view of the planter box, you may recall from this LINK how VERY over grown it was. Next project is to get the railroad ties painted spruced up and tidy looking. The outside work will continue for a bit longer, with the cloudy damp days we've been having I've been busy inside, moving and shaking things up a bit. Yes, I'm like the Energizer Bunny with a new set of batteries, I just keep going and going and going.
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Pat said...

Your out~of~doors looks amazing, dear friend!!!
Good thing I didn't tell you what my guess was,
you'd have been very afraid! Snake!
That's what I always find UNDER things out~of~doors!!!!
The tree line looks so lush and green for August!!!
Gotta' be thankful for our blessings of cooler temps combined with rain this year on the Prairie!!!
Thanks for sharing you red bicycle!!! Looks great!

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

That bike is just precious! What I wouldn't give for something like that in my front yard! Everything is looking just beautiful in your yard..but then it always does. :) I especially love your front porch!

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Love the bike, and your ferns look great. Everything looks so neat and pretty. You have been busy - I need some of your energy.
Have a good week.

Liz@ HomeandGardeningWithLiz said...

Wow you really are like the energizer bunny! I like the red paint on the bike. Everything looks so tidy and neat! You are a hard worker.

Gillena Cox said...

thanks for sharing these beauties; especially luv the bike; have a good Wednesday

much love...

Noel Morata said...

that red color does make quite a statement and I love all the curly details, nice1

Anonymous said...

A colorful yard is always looking beautiful, specifically red bike cover by trees, religious favors