Sunday, February 19, 2012

~ The Magic of a Key ~

 Once you turn the key magic can happen. It unlocks many things in life, mysteries can unfold, treasures revealed.
 OK.. so you can see through the glass treasures on the shelf of the hutch. Turning the key brings up memories of when I put something in, moved it around and then took it out once again.
 Opening the door and getting a closer look reveals my love of blue, recently moved in from the sunporch to hold court in the dining room.
 The blue and white teapot and sugar dish I believe came from Cracker Barrel many years ago. I was on a shopping trip with My Betty, I purchased this one, she the one with apples.
 Antique salt cellars a gift from My Betty before she passed.

 A blue and white basket perfect for holding all the small tea spoons. Guess you've probably guess when I collect something I have a tendency to go overboard.. just a wee bit overboard.
 A vintage silver pitcher holds some silverware picked up at a local flea market a few years back.
 This beautiful salad bowl set is priceless.. Mr. P  gave it to his mother many years ago as a gift. He doesn't recall the occasion..I'm so fortunate to be the caregiver of the beautiful set.
 A small butter dish, purchased while antiquing with my girlfriend, I recall giving $1.75 for it.. I purchased it just because it was just so darn cute..

 Not to leave anything untouched, even the keys get decorated around here. ;-)

With the key of the cabinet turned and locked, it awaits another adventure on another day..
Until next time...


Alycia Nichols said...

I like it that you "go overboard" when you collect things! That's the only way to do it as far as I'm concerned! :-)

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

It looks similar to my cabinet...and I have to hide the key...My Grands want to play with it and I am afraid they will lock it and I won't find the key!!

onlymehere said...

You do have such beautiful things, even the key is beautiful. I especially liked in this post how you said you bought the butter dish just because it was so darn cute! Sometimes that's all the reason we need! Have a great day Lynne.

Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said...

Hi Lynne! Good morning..
It's only 11:15 on Sunday evening here..but probably February 20th for you already.
I love keys and wonder why I haven't collected more of them. I love looking inside of anything with a glass front. Probably something from childhood makes me want to just stand and stare. :)
Lots of goodies to look at in your cabinet...but you turned the key in the lock.. :(
Love and hugs to you..
Just teasing!

Pinky at Designs by Pinky said...

HI Lynne, I am glad to be back and trying to catch up. Came home to over 1000 e-mails! YIKES!!! Your hutch looks beautiful with the blue and white. I don't have a key on mine. Love the tassel on the key too! XO, Pinky