Sunday, January 10, 2010

Shaking Things Up

Yippee! We're above zero and the sun is shining. Oh happy day.

Welcome to Metamorphosis Monday. Each week this event is hosted by Susan, where we see all sorts of Metamorphosis going on all over blog land. With the cold that has taken over our area, our kitchen was a bit cooler than we like it. Saturday evening a light went off and I decided to shake things up around here. This is the way you saw our living room at Christmas. Now, folks.. don't think you're getting off that easy.. you were really hoping to see this room with just the Christmas tree gone, right? Well..... let me show you what I've been up to the last couple of days or so. Yes, ... the tree came down. BUT then.. I went about stripping the furniture of all of it's goodies. Had to head downstairs and bring the movers up to start shaking things up. This is how things ended up, for about a day. lol You see after looking at it I realized the mirror was too small for the expanse of the wall. It was actually too small before. lol So, back down the stairs again to locate this mirror, I then added the tree to balance things out a bit more. I would really love to find 2 pictures to hang behind the chair, but until those are located, the tree will do just fine. :-)) The secretary in the corner is actually a stereo Mr. P. gave me for Valentine's Day 32 years ago. It is another one of those floater pieces. I moved it from the kitchen.
Behind the chicken wire I've added a few of my favorite things. A couple of those being rabbits and a tassel for the handle.
With the rabbit theme going on, I switched out the tassels. Do you see this beauty hanging?

Isn't it just the cutest thing ever?

Do you remember a while back everyone was making tassels? I didn't get a chance to make any, no not even one. :-(( This one is a Christmas gift from my Gloria. Does she know me or what? Yes, my friends she does. She knows I absolutely adore bunnies . This hung in my kitchen for awhile. After moving all these things around, I believe it's found it's resting spot. I think it is letter perfect hanging in my living area. I can see and admire it daily and think of the beautiful friendship that has developed with a beautiful lady. Gloria, darling, thank you so much for thinking of me and sending this beauty. The colors are perfect.. I will cherish it and our friendship always! :-))
Look at those adorable eyes. See Candace, not scary at all.., just too cute and perfect for my home. :-))
Finished project for the time being. Oh, I'm still tweaking a few things here and there, but for the most part quite satisfied with the result of this make over. Let's move on, and I'll show you where the fireplace ended up. :-))
This beauty is what I had in the kitchen, and the fireplace was in the living room. Do I have you confused yet? Let me show you where this was and where the fireplace

This is the wall the stereo sat on. Now you can see the fireplace has made it's way into the kitchen. You see, I don't have a "real" fireplace. I purchased this one a few years back at Walmart. Brought it home and Mr. P, Bailey and I put it together. Gosh, Bailey was still toddling around here, so I have it longer than I thought. My little man will be 10 in June. lol Any hoo.... I love the way it looks in the kitchen.
The tone of the wood is perfect resting on the wood floors, and even has a decorative scroll work on the front.

Maybe, not a real flame, but at least I have the effect. lol The difference between a chilly kitchen and a warm one is incredible. Once I got Mr. P up to show him what I'd been doing, I was amazed at the smile it put on his face. He said, "that's something that should have been done along time ago!" Yes, you read it, I have evidence, the man was "pleased" I moved furniture around. lol Now coming from him right now, that small amount of praise means the world. :-)) The kitchen was taken over a while back with roosters. I adore them in this room. I also have quite the "weakness" for lamps. When we got this lamp in over at work I immediately put my name on one. I've had it for a couple of years or so now. It's sat behind the love seat on sugar buckets till now. I think it's perfect on top the fireplace.
Isn't it a beauty?

The rooster plaque is metal and a gift from my daughter about 6 or 7 years ago. The metal holder I found at Hobby Lobby about 3 years ago. I love the presence they make paired together. :-))

Close up of plaque .

We carry this wonderful curly twig over at work. It is the most whimsical stuff I've seen in forever. I love to use it above pictures, mirrors and as you can see here, draped around lamps or other decorative items. You'll see this in a future post used in a different way. I hope you stay tuned to see that. :-)) What do we have here? A blooper???? Nah... just a tease of another upcoming Metamorphosis that has taken place around here. Can any of you guess what room this might be in?
So, we've gone from this......

To this.

I hope you have enjoyed my metamorphosis this week. There are many more changes going on through out blog land. Be sure to swing over to Susan's for a full list of those participating.. Thank you for stopping in to say hello.

hugs ~lynne~


The Muse said...

my, my, Ms Lynne!

So often, we can loose the coziness and warmth that our loved Christmas decor brings to our spaces...

You, however have recaptured it beautifully!

Dolores said...

Woo/hoo Lynne, all I can say is that the room was beautiful before, but even more beautiful now!!! You really have a talent and an eye for putting everything together.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Looks great! - now when do you want to come to my place and straighten out some decorating issues? :)
Stay warm.

Ceekay-THINKIN of HOME said...

Love the changes....that fireplace is so nice...I would love one someday.
Where do you work that you see all these cute things??

Lou Cinda @ Tattered Hydrangeas said...

Oh Lynne! This looks FABULOUS!! I love it!! I LOVE bunnies too AND roosters so I am loving yours!

The fireplace in the kitchen was genius!! You did awesome!!

LOVE that lamp!

Lou Cinda

Anita@Theycallmejammi said...

Love what you have put together. Shopping the house is so much fun and not only do people who visit think they are seeing 'new' things that are pulled from other less traveled areas of the home, but it looks new to us it all. You have a great knack for decorating.

Anonymous said...

I loved your Christmas setting but this is just darling too! I am putting out a few things now after putting away all they things from the house tour. Sometimes we all just need a breather to get the energy "get with the program".

Thanks for sharing all your beauty.


9405018--Pat said...

Hi Lynne, sunshine today yeah....sure will be happy when is get to 40th. your home looks wonderful sure wish you were a little closer I need help and you have the touch...Love the little bunny Gloria gave you.Stay warm...Hugs Pat

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Hi Pat, girl I'm looking forward to seeing the 40's as well. I think we'll go into shock. Thanks so much for the compliment, it means the world. I'm glad you love the bunny my Gloria gave me.. I know I certainly do. Remember we've got to plan a lunch date soon and stick to it...we need another visit.. hugs ~lynne~

Carolyn said...

Hi Lynne,
You did a great job changing things around-it is lovely!


Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

This is just lovely, Lynne! I took in such a breath when I saw your giant fleur de lys' that I almost choked. Those are fantastic ~ love them!

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Love your living room changes. Everything is just stunning. Your tassel is also just so beautiful. What a precious gift. I also really like the easel with the painting. Such a pretty room. The fireplace is wonderful too. Love the pretty vignettes you've arranged on all of the tables. Gorgeous. Hugs, Marty

Rattlebridge Farm said...

What a darling tassel! Everything looks so warm and pretty. I love your before/after. You do have the touch!

onlymehere said...

I liked it before and I like it now too! I can't believe Walmart sold those fireplaces. I love them. Larry and I actually priced one in Nov bz our basement gets so cold and I love the way they look. We'll have to wait for another year to get one but I do love them. Your photography is so clear and wonderful too.

Lynette said...

Love it Lynne - it looks fantastic! And, I'm glad Mr. P was able to appreciate your efforts!

Have you seen the bunny lamps at Kirkland's? I saw it Saturday when we were in there and I instantly thought of you! It was too cute - the lady working there forgot to put some of my things in the bag and I have to go back for them - I think I may have to pick up a bunny lamp! ;-) You've got me thinkin' bunnies!

Have a good one! Oh, your room does look great, not sure if I mentioned that or not in my "bunny lamp" excitement!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Well here I'm been whining that I can't get a thing done and you have redone your whole house....Lynne is looks just beautiful my friend...I love the picture with the easel and I need some of those green thingys email me about them PLEASE...I know thats my guest room your working on right ha ha!!
I loved seeing more of your beautiful home and your the Queen of displays my my daught would go nuts over the Roo lamo girl...I made her one for Christmas this year for her kitchen....Your Roo picture is wonderful from your daughter girl...Did Mr. Bailey go home yet...Sorry to hear your so cold...Girl I know I owe you an email but this is the first time I had my putor on today I woke up with pink eye what else is going to happen to me this year ha ha!! Much love my sweet friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Diann said...

Everything looks stunning!

Phyllis @Around the House said...

Hi Lynne, love the room arrangement, I would love to have a fireplace in the living room. yours looks great and i think it is the perfect size, it looks warm and wonderful...Thanks for being a big part of my launch in to blogland, this is my 5th month and i remember when I started...i have a new button and I would be honored if you would like to stop by and pick it up, I would love to have a blog button of yours, as soon as you get one I will be there to get phyllis

Melissa Miller said...

Your home is so beautiful Lynne!

What a wonderful job you did rearanging the two rooms. It looks like a very warm and cozy space with the fireplace in the kitchen. Love the lamp and precious bunny tassel!

Is that your toile guest room?

Lori @ Dining Delight said...

Stunning makeover! I love how the room started out but you have transformed it into the perfect space! Everything is well thought out and placed - I would love to have that look in my own home! I'm off to check out some of your older posts of other rooms in your home - it is beautiful!


Rettabug said...

Beautiful transformation, Lynne!
I ♥ your twiggy-branches...what a nice touch! Wish I could have you do my shopping & arranging for me!

Linda (Nina's Nest) said...

Lynne, such a pretty metamophosis! Love the big mirror - and really love the fireplace in the kitchen with the rooster things - charming! Oh, that chair is beautiful - love the nailhead trim - very classy! Linda

Scooterblu's Whimsy~Rhonda said...

Hi Lynne, You have been one busy lady! I love your rabbit soup tureen, which looks perfect paired with the beautiful and precious rabbit tassle Gloria gave you! And the I'm drooling over the rooster lamp!!! :) The fireplace looks perfect in the kitchen! Your home is so inviting and beautiful! ~hugs, Rhonda :)

Tardevil said...

Hi Lynne,
Congrats on getting into the + temps! Your re-designs look great. I especially like the stereo piece that looks like a secretary. I collect bunnies too and love the rabbit behind the chicken wire, and the tassel Gloria made for you! Do you sell the soup tureen (or whatever it is?) Have a great week and stay warm!

Angie Holden said...

Okay I love it all! That rabbit tassle was a GREAT gift!! And a movable fireplace -- now that is GREAT!!

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

It's a beautiful makeover, Lynne! I love shopping the house!

Magnolia Memories08 said...

Lynne everything is just beautiful.My favorite the rabbit tassel..Gosh it just feels so warm when coming to visit you..You are such a wonderful friend..I hope you will continue to visit with me...

Jessica said...


This is just darling! I love the switch you made and agree the fireplace is adorable in the kitchen and your rooster lamp stands tall & proud! Love it all.

Now can you come do my living room?

Hugs to you~ J

P.S. the bunny tassel is a priceless treasure from a super dear friend. There is truly nothing sweeter.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Me again! You asked if I remembered anything about the flatware - I really don't as I really did not pay a lot of attention to it, as I was not in the market for something like that. It was pretty. Not sure - but think it was $150 for the set.
Have a great week. Hope Mr.P is doing better.