Saturday, December 26, 2009

~~It's a Winter Wonderland~~

Hello my friends, I hope you all had the most Joyous Christmas ever!

The weather man predicted a White Christmas for us this year, as predicted Mother Nature cooperated. My daughter and the grandkids were due down around 5. The winds had started picking up with the sleet getting more heavy by the minute with blowing snow mixed in. The mother in me really kicked in and I was starting to worry. Thankfully, they made it in OK. After a wonderful supper, and gift unwrapping completed, we started to play Uno. We played through the wee hours of the morning with the sleet pelting the window. It was finally time to head to bed to wait for the big guy in red to show up.

This is what greeted us Christmas morning. The snow brings out the kid in all of us, even Murphy. I can see he's been out making the rounds. The winds were so strong, snow started drifting. This is was I found inside the garage.

The strong winds blanketed the front porch with snow .

Even the cushions were covered.
I don't think this wagon is going anywhere soon.

If you look closely, on the upper left side of the screen you'll see geese on the lake. Even though the winds have blown the pampas grass over, it's still serene looking to me.

We were pretty fortunate compared to many others around our area. I-29 North was closed for awhile leading to the airport, and folks were re-routed. Our streets are snow and ice packed and getting around isn't the easiest. Until Mr. P's son comes over to start Little John and clean out our lane there won't be any leaving for a while.
With the snow stilling coming down it's a virtual winter wonderland outside. With both of the grandkids still here the house is filled with laughter, Mr. P is enduring the extra noise and activity pretty well. What are your plans for the day? Me, well; I'll be playing Uno with the grandkids, or whatever else they dream up. lol :-))
hugs ~lynne~


Lynette said...

Winter wonderland indeed!! Glad everyone arrived safe and sound and from where I'm sitting, everything looks beautiful - beautiful but COLD!!

Enjoy the SEASON Lynne - stay warm!

susan said...

Lynne-Glad everyone is snuggled in safe and sound. I love the picture of the white wicker covered in snow. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas--I turn into the Grinch on the 26th...taking it all down!!

vignette design said...

So beautiful. How fun to be snowed in with the grand kids! --Delores

Pat@Back Porch Musings said...

It's beautiful, Lynne! I love the look of ornamental grass in snow.

We have snow again today. It's snowed pretty steady the past two days, but not much accumulation!

Our KC Kids, left the big city around noon Wed, ahead of the storm. They are waiting an extra day and will return Sunday (tomorrow). Our eldest girl and her hubby were headed to Saint Joe this morning. Not sure if they changed their minds. They would be driving right up 29!

Lady Katherine said...

Oh, Lynne first I wish for your email address. I have tried for months to leave comment or even get on your blog. love snow beautiful and all the iron on porch it barley letting me type. Think of you often

Unknown said...

Oh Lynne! Its just beautiful!, and fantastic that you can spend your snowed in days with the family playing!

Love and Light

Donna said...

The snow is beautiful! I love your Winter Wonderland! Glad you and your family had a nice cozy Christmas.
Blessings and Hugs,

Anonymous said...

We have snow on this side of Missouri. It started yesterday and still in coming down slowly today with little accumulation. I know is was difficult in some areas of the state.

Your pictures, as always, are just perfect. I have a new camera that I am practicing using and hopefully my posts will be more vivid.

Thanks for all you share and have a Wonderful New Year.


Unknown said...

Oh, WOW! It looks like you REALLY had a White Christmas! It's lovely!
Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful snow pictures Lynne! Merry Christmas! Meant to get over to all my blog friends before but it got a tad busy!!

I think it is nice that the Lord sometimes even uses snow to slow us down a bit!! Guess we need some more around here!!


Glenda/MidSouth said...

Your photos are beautiful, but please don't send any snow my way. :) I will have a full house again tomorrow, or I would be taking things down like Susan. Enjoy your family.

9405018--Pat said...

Hi Lynne, what a mess it's still come down... about foot on Friday and about 3 more inch today so far....Was not able to get out yesterday. We were to go to our son in olathe ks, for christmas.Take care Pat H

xinex said...

Such a pretty sight indeed, Lynne, something I probably will never see here. John and I had a very quiet day but nice, I wasn't feeling too good so aside from going to church, we stayed home by ourselves...Christine

Blondie's Journal said...

Beautiful snow pictures, Lynne!! And we have plenty of that stuff today. Too bad it makes it hard for driving...

I love the pictures of your lake. the pampas grass is so pretty!


Barbara Jean said...

This is beautiful Lynne.

Thanks for coming by

hugs and blessings

babara jean

dana said...

Hello! Those photos look just like our yard in Independence. I'm not sure where you are located, but I'm gathering you are somewhere close! What a wild Christmas Eve and Day! We made it to our festivities on both Thurs. eve. and Fri. afternoon. . . a bit later than what we had planned, but at least we were safe and sound! We had snow all afternoon today, too!

It sounds as though you had a wonderful Christmas....Happy New Year wishes to you and yours, too! Dana

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

Oh these pictures are beautiful Lynne! So glad travel plans went well. My grands are too young for UNO, so last night we played "Simon Says" and had a great time! Hope everyone has a safe trip home.

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...


Just gorgeous....your blog inspires are a blessing...


Anonymous said...

Brrr, it looks cooold outside. Glad you're staying inside where its warm. And so glad your family made it to you safe. We only got a light dusting at my house. Have fun with the kiddies. Rosie

Tardevil said...

How pretty! I hope you're enjoying being snowbound w/ the gk's! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

Dolores said...

Hi Lynne,
A winter wonderland for sure; everything in your pictures looks so beautiful!!!
It's good to hear that the excitement of snow, grandchildren, and Christmas, hasn't been hard on Mr. P.
Blessings to you and yours!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne,

I'm happy you had a white Christmas! I hope Santa was good to you.

Pretty Pics!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne,

I'm happy you had a white Christmas! I hope Santa was good to you.

Pretty Pics!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!


onlymehere said...

We were lucky and just had a skiff of snow over Christmas but it's been so blasted cold! We're definitely colder than usual and I'm hating it! I don't do winter well, lol!

Barb said...

Hi Lynne, the pictures are stunning! Just breathtaking.

Thanks for your kind and lovely comments to are an angel.

May God richly bless you and your family in this New Year.

Hugs, Barb ♥

Four Paws and Co said...

Your white Christmas was amazing Lynne! I hope all is plowed & everyone got home safely. ☺♥☺

Lana Kim White Austin said...

How amazing to get that beautiful blessing of snow at Christmas. We don't see that much now that we've moved to AL...but once, when I was VERY pregnant with my 2nd child, we work up to amazing snow!!!!
I pray that your CHRISTmas was amazing!
Thank you for your welcoming note on my blog.
Many blessings to you,

Kathleen Ellis said...

Hi Lynne~

What a wonderful treat to have a white Christmas! I trust you had a wonderful time!

Happy New Year!

Melissa Miller said...

~WOW!!! Lynne it is really beautiful. I hope we get just a little. Send it our way okay.

Happy New Year! ~Melissa :)

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Lynne,
Your snow covered porch looks so much like mine did on Christmas Day! Sounds like you had a happy one, so glad! Hugs to you my friend, Cindy