Monday, February 2, 2009

A Silver Lining on a Cloudy Day With a Touch of Blue

This is my first time joining Blue Monday. Our hostess is the sweet Smiling Sally over at Be sure to stop over for a full list of all the participants. Sally thanks for hostessing a fun filled day of beautiful blue.
As the days begin to get longer the clouds seem to get a bit thicker. I thought a bit of cheer with a beautiful saying was fitting for such a cloudy day. I'm sure you remember me telling you about the artist Marjolein Bastin. This is another example of her work. This is out of the Nature Sketchbook Series.

Little Miss Scooter has had all the decorating she could take for one day and retreated to the bed. :-)

Don't forget to head over to to check out all the other beautiful blue. I'll see you there. ... hugs ~lynne~


ksarra said...

Hi Lynne, I see you've been "tweaking" again. Ha. I've had so much fun this weekend, just rearranging things too. This is sooo pretty, the artwork is gorgeous, and I love the crystal candleholder. Hope you have a wonder-filled week, friend!

ksarra said...

Hi Lynne, I see you've been "tweaking" again. Ha. I've had so much fun this weekend, just rearranging things too. This is sooo pretty, the artwork is gorgeous, and I love the crystal candleholder. Hope you have a wonder-filled week, friend!

Kathy said...

Hi Lynne, I hope you take some time for you today, Miss Scooter is adorable, lovely artwork, Hugs, Kathy.

Dixie said...

Miss Scooter and my Miss Roxie are in about the same mode... Roxie snoozing on the flokati rug with her head laying on her toile pillow... now that's the life!


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Lynne! What a beautiful thought and gorgeous art work to go with it! Say hi to Miss Scooter for me. Have a great week! Hugs...Debbie

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Oh Girl I wished I had a Miss Scooter...loved that say about taking time..and is that a silver coffee pot lamp I am seeing?? I just love it..and you know us lamps girls have to stick together..Have a great evening girl..hugs and smiles...Granny Gl♥ria

The Quintessential Magpie said...

I agree with Debbie, Lynne, that's a lovely thought! And look at that Miss Scooter. Makes me miss my two so much! Hope you're having a warm, cozy evening. :-)



Anonymous said...

Thank for the bit of cheer! I do remember Marjolein Bastin- Hallmark used to carry her line. Do you know if she still has new merchandise coming out? I have not seen any though I don't have alot of places to shop in our little town either!!

Miss Scooter looks very happy and content!


Blondie's Journal said...


Thanks for sharing Marjolien's artwork. Your book is genuinely a keepsake. Miss Scooter looks so comfy I think I'll do as she does, head off to bed!

Thanks for such a lovely post tonight! :-)


Melissa Miller said...

Hi Lynne, :) Here I am!
We rented 2 movies and were trying to watch football tonight as well. Whew!

I do love her work. The grape piece on the wall in the background also caught my eye. Very pretty!

Thanks for entering my very first giveaway!
I would love for you to win! I'll pick the winner next weekend and then ship it out.

Have a wonderful week my friend. I must take a photo of the bird topper and email it to you.
It really looks GREAT in our kitchen.
~Melissa :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice. Your dog is so cute!

Four Paws and Co said...

It's beautiful & love that silver coffee pot lamp!

Miss Scooter is such a gorgeous little girl! How old is she? Is she a petite cocker? (Murphy weighs about 30 lbs now...) ♥

Jewel Sauls said...

What a nice thought to start off my Monday. I love the artwork and love the teapot lamp! Miss Scooter is precious! :D Jewel

Jessica said...

Morning Lynne~

You always have the kindest words and the sweetest displays~ I just love the silver teapot lamp, too.

Have a beautiful blue Monday~

Hugs~ J

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Lynne,
What a nice thought and artwork to go with it! I love you puppy! thanks for all your nice comments! Cindy

SmilingSally said...

I'm so glad you decided to play Blue Monday. Your offering is a fantastic addition to the parade of blue.

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Scooter is a cutie! Pretty art.
Have a good day! Glenda

Anonymous said...

Oh I enjoy the art of Marjolein Bastin...her flowers are so very pretty!
you dog is a cutie!

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

Beautiful blue today Lynne!

Have a great day!


JudyBug said...

What a sweet picture!

My buddy Boudreaux is being so lazy this morning and is sound asleep.

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Mornin' Girlfriend...

Hope you're finding the day smilin' down upon you, my friend! What a beautiful garden sketch and saying...and you know that I love that pretty little silver teapot!!!

So what's on the aggenda for today? Are you at the shoppe?

Love ya Sweetie,

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Hi, Lynne... I dropped by last night and left a comment, but I wanted to wish you a Happy Blue Monday!


Sheila :-)

Barbara Jean said...

Good morning Lynne.
Did nt even turn on the computer yesterday! That was both a difficult, and good thing.
And i survived!! =0)

Love that saying, and her work.

I think Miss Scooter has the right idea about going back to bed!!

Blessings on your Monday friend.


Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful, Lynne!

Thank you for sharing this silver lining.

Terrie's Lil' Piece of Serenity said...

Lynne, I love the silver teapot lamp. It is lovely.
Hugs, Terrie

Kristen said...

I love your blue and Little Miss Scooter is sooo cute!

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Hey you, working all week but wanted to say hi!!! Talk to you soon,x0x0x0x0

The Raggedy Girl said...

Miss Scooter has sent me down memory lane to when I was a little girl and we had a dog named Cindy Lou, who looked just like Miss Scooter. She had to stay in the kitchen and was not allowed in the front room but she knew how to place those black paws right on the very edge of the linoleum and watch the front room happenings. Thanks for the nice memories.
Roberta Anne

Glenda said...

Looks like Miss Scooter has already got the message and is taking a little time for herself. I really like your display.
I noticed in you header a small pitcher like I have in my master bath. Mine is plain, no decorations at all. I use mine to hold small brushes and such. Yours is much prettier. I hope you have a really good week.

Missy Wertz said...

Very pretty piece Lynne. Happy Blue Monday!

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne! Love the artwork and the lamp! Happy Blue to you...

Tomarie said...

What beautiful artistry!!
And that is about the CUTEST pic of Ms. Scooter!!!! :-) L~

Anonymous said...

First let me say, your wallpaper on the blog is so pretty and blue.

Time for reflection is essential isn't it!

Kathy b

Salmagundi said...

Love the artwork on this, plus the saying is so necessary today!! Thanks for sharing it with us. Has it warmed up there? Beautiful in Colorado!!! Sally

kymber said...

Hi Lynne,
Welcome to Blue Monday! I loved your post and your lovely blue artwork. Little Miss Scooter needs to come and play with Ginger. She needs a friend who understands doggie talk! She gets tired of decorating too! What a cutie Miss Scooter is! Quite the little lady!
Blessings to you my friend!

Lynne (lynnesgiftsfromtheheart) said...

Glenda, I think you're right. Miss Scooter did get the message and just retreated to our room. She realized she wasn't going to get another Thanks for the visit. I'm sure your pitcher is beautiful.. have a super day my friend..
hugs ~lynne~

ksarra said...

Hi Lynne, just stopping by to wish you a fabulous week!

Kat said...

What lovely artwork, and an even lovelier sentiment. I love that lamp, I don't think I've ever seen one like that before. Miss Scooter seems to approve lol. Kathy

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Lynne...such a pretty blue post...and I'm crazy about your teapot lamp! :-) Thanks for stopping by today. Scooter is soooo cute!

Susan (Between Naps On The said...

Lynne...such a pretty blue post...and I'm crazy about your teapot lamp! :-) Thanks for stopping by today. Scooter is soooo cute!

Anonymous said...

Miss Scooter is a keeper and one I would love to adopt. Blue is one of my favorite colors and I enjoy the Blue Mondays.

Anonymous said...

Miss Scooter is a keeper and one I would love to adopt. Blue is one of my favorite colors and I enjoy the Blue Mondays.

Sara's Sweet Surprise said...

There's nothing "blue" about your Mondays post, tee hee. The art and sentiment are precious. I think with our long winter everyone is the mood for a little cheer.

Sweet Wishes,

Meadowsweet Days said...

Hi Lynne~ I agree with Susan, I love the teapot lamp, too! I scrolled down to your store displays... it all looks so nice and springy..... we're just beginning to change it all over now with the new arrivals. Lots and lots of work cut out for us, but it's fun, isn't it? Have a great day!


Rechelle ~Walnuthaven Cottage~ said...

Yes, pretty blue and the saying is wonderful. Scooter is a puppy after my own heart. She's a doll!

Tardevil said...

I love her stuff too. And that was beautiful! Thanks for being a sweet friend to Gloria! She's a doll! :O)

cottage farm villa said... your blue post....but really loving Miss Scooter! Isn't she just PRECIOUS!!!!!! I want to kiss her soft little cheeks!

Thank you for stopping by and visiting my Canton post and leaving a sweet comment! :)


Rue said...

Hi Lynn :)

What beautiful artwork! I hope Miss Scooter rested up for more decorating ;)

I loved your shoping trip. What wonderful treasures!!


Nancy Rosalina said...

Hi Lynne, it is so nice to meet you! I can tell you have a fantastic blog!
I want to thank you for entering my 100th post giveaway! Good luck
I will be back when I can spend some more time visiting. Blessings, Nancy

Terri Steffes said...

Love the blue and white and my favorite is the cat and mouse. How adorable!