Monday, February 16, 2009

Blue Monday with Blue and White in Your Home

Sally from hosts Blue Monday. If you have a love of Blue be sure to swing over for a full list of participants. You're in for a treat, a full Monday of Blue. With the internet down most of the day, I got busy around here and got "most" of my work done so I could sit and do a bit of reading. I'm a bit behind with all the magazines I receive and the books I have. Have you seen the latest publication of Country Sampler? The cover alone is enough to draw you in. Once you open the cover you're in for a treat. Don't you love the blue and yellow quilt? It is so refreshing and so spring like. I've made many quilts over the years, but never a blue and yellow one. I believe this is going on the list of things to do. :-))

With the inspiration of the blue on the cover I got busy and pulled some more of my blue out. It's time to bring a bit of lightness into the living area.

Normally, I lay a book down to decorate. This time I chose to use a plate stand and elevate the book. If you haven't picked this book up, you're in for a treat. By the editors of Victoria Magazine full of delightful pictures and a great read.

I'm not sure what this beautiful blue piece is..I just remember when I saw it many years ago I fell in love with it... it is so unique. I'm curious, what would you call it? I'll be interested in hearing what you have to say.

I've had the Fenton shoe for many years. Isn't it just the sweetest little thing? :-)) The lace is exquisite. I think it's one of the best purchases I've made in a long time. :-))

What a beautiful glow the sun puts on the table. Sally thanks for hosting another great Blue I'm off to see more beautiful blue.. see you there.. :-) hugs ~lynne~


Confessions of a Plate Addict said...

Hi Lynne...Well, I must find that book! You know my whole house...well, most of blue and white...with yellow!! Love your vignette, as usual!! Have a great week...Debbie

The Berry's Patch said...

I love your idea of placing the magazine on a stand. You have displayed your blue pieces beautifully. It's a pleasure to meet you.


Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Beautiful blue pieces, and I love the way you've arranged them on your table. Nice idea to put a magazine on a plate stand. I have no idea what the one blue piece is, but I agree with you, I love it. It is just gorgeous. Thanks for sharing some great ideas. Hugs, Marty

~CC Catherine said...

Lynne, This is so "moi" as well! Much of my china is blue and white., and I have tons of cobalt blue...I'm now pulling in more white so I'm not TOO BLUE! haha! Great Share! ~CC Catherine

Rattlebridge Farm said...

Yes--popcorn is a food group! Bring it to the potluck. :-)

Susan @ A Southern Daydreamer said...

well you know if it is blue and white that I am going to love it..and I do...what a pretty vignette!

Happy Blue Monday Lynne


Tomarie said...

Beautiful vignette Lynne! I love blue and white with a passion! I don't know what your piece is...but it sure is pretty! L~

The Raggedy Girl said...

I really loved your tablescape especially the way the runner was scrunched up. I love gold and blue and white together, so fresh looking.

Roberta Anne

Anonymous said...

The blue and white is beautiful Lynne! We saw two Robins today, as we were leaving for the lake. Spring is just around the corner!

xinex said...

Love your blue and whites, Lynne! Is that a hurricane candle holder? Love the vignettes, but of course, they are created by the Queen of Vignettes. :-)...Christine

Anonymous said...

Oh, Lynne, here you go again with the most gorgeous items! I love all these blue and whites and that little shoe is adorable.
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :)

Melissa Miller said...





Wsprsweetly Of Cottages said... have some of the most exquisite blue things ever! Just charming..all of it. I have blue and white...but..the trick is how to display it for people to see. It is all in the cupboard..and I have just realized that there is a serious knack to this joining the different special days. VERY creative. It sure is fun to watch..but..I just don't think I have enough interesting "blue" to join the party. I think I will just enjoy everyone elses fun.
Hugs for stopping by. I always smile when I see your name and your comments are always so sweet and inspiring.

Blondie's Journal said...


Yes, I am so with you on the magazines, I get so many & get behind on them & books. I think I saw the Country Sampler~must get it to add to the pile!!

Your vignette is beautiful~especially with the sun slanting on it! That is a good idea to start with a book! I will try that!

Happy Blue Monday!! :-)


Four Paws and Co said...

That quilt is to die for gorgeous! Your vignette is so pretty! I love the blue thing. Is it a vase??? ♥

Anonymous said...

Beautiful Blues! The unknown blue does look like a lamp of some sort. Interesting indeed!

The Quintessential Magpie said...

Love the quilt on the magazine cover! And I also love your vignette. Looks great!

Happy Blue Monday...


Sheila :-)

Cass @ That Old House said...

Gorgeous blue vignettes! I love that classic combination, it's my favorite color pairing. Thanks!

Sweetie said...

Your blues are beautiful. What really caught my eye was the Fenton shoe - so pretty. Happy Blue Monday.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lynne! I really enjoyed looking all your photos for Blue Monday. I hope you have a great week!

Cindy (Applestone Cottage) said...

Hi Lynne,
I have that book, its been one of my favorite. I love what you did with all you pretty blue things, you have a great eye for detail. Cindy

Anonymous said...

What beautiful blues you have. I like them all, but little shoes is my favorite. Happy blue Monday..hope it's a lovely day.

The Bliss Journey said...

Wonderful blues, Thank you for sharing.

Kristen said...

What wonderful blue you have shared!
I really like the blue and yellow quilt and can't wait to see yours!

SmilingSally said...

I never thought of putting a book or a magazine on a stand; I like it! Your blue and white pieces become a vignette. Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

Carlotta said...

I love your blues, especially the blue shoe. My baby on the other hand loves the little doggie you have in your sidebar. LOL, Happy Blue Monday!

Sherri said...

I have several plate stands I used once in an arts and crafts show. I LOVE using them differently. Great way to showcase the book!

bj said...

Thanks so much for the beautiful blue and white eye candy. I, too, have a beautiful book that I display on an easel.
Happy day..

Sherrie said...

Beautiful Blues!! I think the thing you asked about is a hurricane lamp or oil lamp. Is there a place to put liquid and a wick? Have a great day!!


Susan @ The Good Life! said...

I love anything blue and white. Yours is beautiful!

Miss Janice said...

I love all your blue and white and the way it is display...beautiful!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM Miss Blue girl..aren't you the clever one put that mag on an girl I love that come up with some of the neatest things Lynne..hope you have a good day and Bill gets a good report from Dr. ya sis...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

JudyBug said...

Just beautiful! The addition of the magazine just gives it the perfect decorator touch!

onlymehere said...

I have some Fentonware too and I love it. Your blue is gorgeous and now I must run out and find this magazine!

Tardevil said...

Oh my goodness, your table is gorgeous! I love that blue/white thing...whatever it is. It looks like a non-functioning oil lamp to me. Whatever it may be, it is an awesome find!

imjacobsmom said...

Great new look! So fresh for spring! I sat in the sunporch yesterday - it was 70 degrees and the sun felt so good! But I understand we're in for single digits again by Thursday! Maybe I need to start changing things up - thanks for the inspiration! ~ Robyn

Anonymous said...

How pretty....I love your lamp!

Unknown said...

Hi Lynne!
I'm still thinking about your Rose arrangement for Valentines day! Just beautiful Anyway I don't know what you would call that blue bel shaped vase? On a ball and base... it is indeed an Interesting piece!


Anonymous said...

Good morning Lynne.
What pretty blue arrangements you created. Have a wonderful day!

Salmagundi said...

I'd say that it is just a beautiful, blue and white thingy!! Beauty doesn't need any other explanation. Nice Blue Monday post. Sally

Paula Bee said...

Hi Lynne,

I love blue and white and I love your unusual lamp too--It would go beautifully in my house----Thanks for the inspiration!


Garden Antqs Vintage said...

Lynn, I'm still always drawn to blue and white. I bought a blue and white plate this past week. Happy President's Day, T

Kathy said...

I love your vignettes Lynne, I will look out for the book, it does look lovely, Happy Blue Monday, hugs, Kathy.

Chris said...

Happy Blue Monday!

♥ Kathy said...

Hurricane lamps are one of my favorites. Yours is beautiful.

Heidi Pocketbook said...

Very lovely blue pretties!

Thanks for stopping by my blog ☺

Tamara Jansen said...

I've never thought of decorating with books/magazines but it sure is a super idea.....that's what they did when John and Roma were filming for the Hallmark channel at my place this summer.

See you soon :)

playsdolls said...

Love your blue and white pieces they are so wonderful.I have got to go and get the new Country Sampler Mag.I love looking through it.

Unknown said...

I loved reading about your process, from inspiration to completion!

Bo said...

Hi Lynne...wowee...your blue & white post is a jewel! Love visiting you & your blog! ;-) Bo

Tink *~*~* said...

You have lots of lovely blue things. I used to read Victoria when I lived in an ancient house on Long Island. Now I live in a modern stucco structure in Florida and Victorian stuff just doesn't seem to fit.

Tink *~*~*
NEW at My Mobile Adventures *~*~* : EPCOT at Walt Disney World - blue, yellow, CANDY!

Bargain Decorating with Laurie said...

You know I love blue and white, and your vignette is so perfect. What is that beautiful unique piece? Hope someone tells you, so you can share with us. No matter what it is, it is so pretty. I've never seen anything like it. laurie

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

I am not a blue person kindda girl but lately am drawn to this colour a lot.. so, I am trying to have a lil bit blue here & there in my house.. and your display is beautiful!.. have a great week!

Jessica said...


Oh I just love this blue & hite and that quilt oh my~ I so wish I could do something like that.

Hugs~ J

Wanda said...

Your blue is very sweet. And you are right about the quilt, great color choices.

Lady Katherine said...

Love the book on the stand, the lamp is very lovely! Just all so pretty!

Envoy-ette said...

I am a Fenton lover too! If it's blue and in the shape of a's even better!

Helen said...

My favorite piece is the darling blue shoe ..... thanks for sharing!!!

Julio Muao said...

What a beautiful presentation of the blues! Thanks for the great tip on the book. I'll have to check out


Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hey Dearheart...

I'm behind...just now getting here to see your pretty Blue Monday post! Girl, you do have the prettiest glassware!!! I love that piece you asked about but I don't know anything about the blue & white sorry!

Lynne, each time to show that pretty table runner...I just drool!!! It's incredible!!! Because of it, I started on a hunt for one a few weeks ago...haven't found anything even close to it! I've mainly been looking on ebay. Hmmm...some day...maybe!

Anyway, hope that you're having a terrific Tuesday! Love you Sweetie,

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet Lynne! I'm so glad you liked my craft. You know I never even thought of covering up that hook and now I'm looking at it and thinking - I need to cover up that hook! Thanks for the suggestion, Dear One.
Hope your day is going well.
Be a sweetie,
shelia :)

Glenda said...

If something so pretty has to have a name, I think I would just call it "a conversation starter". Would that work?
I need to find a plate stand. I really like the way you used yours. Hope the remainder of your week goes well.

Jessica said...

Morning Lynne~

Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my little room. It means alot coming from you~ queen of vignettes. :)

Hope you have a beautiful day!

Big hugs~ J

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

GM dear friend...I hope all is well in your world ya sis...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Another lovely post from you my dear friend, I look forward to them!! Hope you are having a good day, talk to you soon,x0x0x0x0

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Like your blues. Whatever it is - it is pretty. Maybe just a decorative object? Have a great day.

Designs on 47th Street said...

Your blue and white is always so soothing and pleasing to the eye. As you will see on my post today, I am trying very hard to add some blue to my "red" house! :)

Funny you talked about standing a book up to decorate... I just tried that last week as well. Great minds, don't cha know? ;)


Belinda said...

Such a beautiful display, Lynne! I have been so drawn to aqua blue and yellow recently, and of course, its impossible to go wrong woth the striking, yet fesh combination of blue and white...its really lovely. :-) I'm going to look for that magazine this week!